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Ishan was just sitting on the balcony with his headphones on and a cup of coffee when Shreyash knocked at his door.

"Ishan, Come quickly."

"Why? And why are you panicking?"

"Arreeh, Shubman has been suffering from a fever since last night and I got to know when I checked on him this morning as he didn't go downstairs for his breakfast"

"Oh," Shubman in pain. Ishan's brain forgot all the dea and agreements he just wanted to check up on his Shubi. But he was 100% sure that Shubman was not going to want him there.

"Why are you still standing here? Shubman has been chanting your name forever."

Yes, Shubman was chanting Ishan's name since the morning just to seek the comfort Ishan used to give him when he was sick. Not just when he was sick but always. But what Shreyash didn't say to Ishan was the inconsistent and incomprehensible words of Shubman which were all related to Ishan. Shreyash wasn't sure why those words would be related to Ishan.

Here to say Ishan was shocked would be an insult. He was shocked but more than that he was worried. So he rushes with Shreyash to Shubman's room.

By now, many people of the Indian Cricket Team were present there but they couldn't do anything. The doctors came and told me that it was a mild fever nothing to worry about.

So, when Ishan came all the cricketers were relieved because they knew only Ishan could handle an over-clingy baby-sick Shubman. So, SKY took the initiative to clear the room so that Shubman could have some rest.

Ishan was now sitting on the bed conflicting if he should or should not interact with Shubman. But to his surprise, Shubman flipped over and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Ishan didn't know what to do. So he just stayed in the same position looking at how gloomy Shubman was looking. There were dark bags under his eyes, his face was just tired. But Shubman still managed to look beautiful to Ishan.

Shreyash texted him the time to give Shubman the medicine. So he ordered some food and decided to wake Shubman up.

"Areeh, Ishu why are you waking me up in my dreams also? Why are u in a hurry?", Shubman mumbled.

Ishan knew his habit but his heart sank a bit hearing those words.

" Shubi, It's me. You have to wake up. It's time for your medicine."

Shubman panicked at this stage. Why would Ishan be in his room? The last thing he remembers is too many people in the room.

Shubman seemed to regain his sense and simply instructed Ishan to leave. 

Ishan picked up the courage to say,
"Listen I know we aren't in our best position with each other but please keep that in mind that you're sick right now. So please let me stay just for this day."

"Let you stay!! I thought you were the one that didn't want to stay."

The doorbell rang and Ishan picked up the food tray.

" You can take all your anger on me but later. For now please eat." 

Shubman looked at the tray and a sly smile slashed across his face.

"Why do you order all these? I don't even like this food at normal times let alone when I'm sick."

Being surprised Ishan said, "These are the food you always crave when you're sick, Shubi."

" I used to crave, Ishan."

Shubman picked up the phone and ordered a mushroom soup, Garlic bread and a Russian Salad.

"I'm not gonna eat any of those foods, okay?"

Ishan just smiled at Shubman before saying,
"Do you even realize that you're allergic to mushrooms and half of the ingredients of Russian Salad?"

Oh, shit. Of course, Ishan knew more about Shubman's food habits than Shubman did.

"Now cancel those quickly. "

Shubman did accordingly and grabbed the tray from Ishan's hand.

Shubman started to eat but this weird feeling in his stomach started and he found himself shivering. Before he could process anything there was a bucket in front of him and he was puking.

After Ishan cleared all this mess Shubman lay down on the bed. He came with the tray of food to feed Shubman the rest of the food.

Shubman was now even tired to eat after puking. He just whined like a kid about not wanting to eat. All of this agitation remains remains forgotten.

"Are you going to feed me, Ishu?"

"If needed then yes."

When Shubman finished all his food, Ishan gave him his medicine and tucked him securely in the bed like a kid.

He was about to go when he heard Shubman say

"Stay please."


"Didn't you say you're going to stay for the night? "


"Then stay please"

Ishan hesitantly climbed into the bed and adjusted himself beside Shubman. Shubman's mind was probably more dizzy than Ishan's because he just buried his head in Ishan's neck. And none of them was in the state to complain.

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