Chapter 217

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I gripped onto the sheets, sobbing when I felt the bet shift a little and Harry's arm wrapping around my body from behind.

„Leave me alone..." I whispered, but regretted saying it immediately. I didn't want him to leave me right now, I didn't wanna be alone. I needed him. More than anything.

„I don't wanna leave you alone right now." His soft voice sounded in my ear, just what I wanted to hear and he rested his head against mine. „I'm sorry, I didn't wanna get loud just now."

„It's okay...but please...promise me you won't give up your career for me. I wouldn't forgive myself if you did that."

There was a pause for a second until he spoke. „I won't, I promise." He kissed the back of my shoulder. „Listen, no matter what's coming now, you can do this and you will survive. I believe in that. You deserve a life, you deserve to live and you will. I know it's a step back right now, but you're strong. Stronger than anyone I've ever met." He told me his voice so soft and gentle.

I nodded and turned around so I'd face him and could hug him properly. „Okay...I love you."

„I love you more, sweetie." He kissed my lips this time.

I snuggled close to his chest while he held me tight in his arms. My favorite place to be. The place I felt safest. I didn't wanna be anywhere else than with him right now. He was the one giving me strength every single day. He was the reason I kept fighting.

„Try to get some sleep now, darling. I'm right here, the whole time. I won't leave." He told me, soothingly running his hand up and down my arm.

„I don't know if I can sleep now to be honest...I don't know what to even think." I told him.

„I understand." He pressed a kiss to my forehead.

„Harry you know, you don't have to be strong for me. I know you're hurting too...just let it out if you need to, it's alright." I assured him, laying my arm around his thin waist. „It's not good to bottle up your emotions."

„Thanks..." He said silently, some tears running down his cheeks a few moments afterwards and I scooted even closer into his embrace.


I've been undergoing the new treatment for a while now. Meanwhile Harry was juggling everything at the same time, doing promo here and there, giving interviews and performing at every possible talk show there was while being here for me and coming to every chemo and radiation session with me, being there the whole time. I felt bad, because he wasn't getting much sleep at all, was working almost day and night and then he was also there for everything regarding me. The man was overworked which he obviously didn't admit and it made me feel so incredibly bad.

I felt the illness taking over my body. As if I lost control over it. I felt it taking away all my strength and energy. It was slowly taking my life out of me. It was destroying me every day a little more. I wasn't able to live my life like before. Just walking or standing around for a while made me tired and weak. I was sleeping throughout most of the days, because I didn't have the energy anymore. I spent the nights in our guest room downstairs as I couldn't walk up anymore without my legs giving in. Harry being the sweet person he was, joined me and moved our stuff downstairs. Everything always hurt, I was nauseous and didn't have any appetite. I hated to live like this. It was hell.

Harry was doing a show tonight at the forum. He had already done some more shows ever since the album came out and this one was the third night of three shows at the forum.
I sadly couldn't go anymore, but Gemma went instead and I would stay at home with Anne.

Harry just got ready to leave after he came back from another interview once again.

„I'll see you later tonight, alright?" He came to where I was sat in the living room and kissed my lips.

„Yeah, see you later. Have fun, H." I smiled at him a little.

„Thank you, baby. Love you." He kissed me again."

„Love you too." I said and he left soon after.

Everything that could even get worse, got worse ever since Y/n started the new treatment. She was a strong woman, very strong, but I knew she was reaching her limits. I could see it in her eyes. She wasn't doing well, not at all, but she fought so hard every single day. In front of her, I was strong, holding it together so she wouldn't fall apart completely, but whenever I was alone like I was right now on my way to the arena, it all hit me and I was terrified. Getting through the interviews and shows was incredibly hard even though it should have been a distraction. Having to put a smile on my face every night I performed, doing what I loved most, was harder than I ever thought.

I was lost in my thoughts the whole ride to the forum, thinking of nothing else than Y/n.

Before the show, Gemma and I went to have dinner. „You okay, H?" She asked me, sitting at a table in front of me.

„I'm fine, just tired."

„You're overworking yourself, you know?" She looked at me all concerned.

„I know, but promo is almost over and I'm done with the shows soon as well." I told her.

„Okay...I'm just worried about you." She sighed.

„I know, but I'm fine, really. We have to worry about Y/n, not me."

„Hey, Harry, look at me." She said and I looked up. „She's gonna be okay. It may not look like it right now, but she's strong. The new treatment is aggressive and it will help." She said, trying to assure me.

I nodded. „It's just really hard to see her like this, so sad and weak."

„I know, but that's the treatment. It will get better."

„Yeah..." I nodded again.

As we finished dinner, I went to my dressing room, changing into the outfit I'd wear on stage, so I was ready to go on soon.
It was weird doing shows without Y/n there. Gemma was there, but still, I felt so lonely without her with me.

„Harry, are you ready?" Jeff knocked at the door before opening it and looking inside.

„Yeah, I'm ready." I nodded, heading outside and making my way backstage where I got my in ears and waited for the band to get on stage and the curtain to fall.

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