Chapter 253

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13 weeks
September 2018
We stayed at Anne's house for two days before we got back home to London. It was nice spending some time with Anne and Gemma in the home we grew up in.

I was working on some last things before my album would come out in a bit over a week. I was so excited about it, I couldn't wait for the 28th to come.

Harry was at the studio today, working on new music as he started to get working on a new album.
It was evening and the front door just opened, indicating that Harry was home.

He hasn't been feeling his best ever since we got back from Manchester. He said he was probably coming down with a cold, but he kept getting worse, so I thought it was probably more than just a cold.

Harry being Harry, he still went to work instead of resting a bit and letting his body do its job. He was so stubborn when it came to him admitting he was too sick to go somewhere.

„Babe?" I asked for him.

„Hmm?" His response was faint, so I went to see where he was.

I went downstairs and found him lying on the couch, his face buried in a pillow and his eyes closed. It seemed like he came in and just threw himself on that couch. He was clearly sick. His skin was pale and sweaty.

„Sunshine?" I went to sit on the edge of the couch right next to him.

„'M not a sunshine." He mumbled. „Not right now."

„What's wrong, honey? Are you feeling worse?" I asked him, running my hand up and down his arm.

„Think I got the flu...or stomach bug, I don't know." He breathed. „Stomach...hurts."

Before he could say anything else, he covered his mouth with one of his hands and ran to the toilet downstairs, throwing up whatever upset his stomach.
I went after him, soothingly rubbing his back.
I could tell instantly that he had a fever. His skin was burning up, but his arms were littered with goosebumps.

„Go-...go away." He breathed in between.

„What? No." I frowned.

„I don't wanna pass this on to you, Y/n." He said when he let himself fall back on the floor as if all his strength left his body.

„I won't get sick, I'll be fine. We have to get you better now, you're feeling miserable." I stood up to get a cloth and soaked it in cold water before I crouched back down in front of Harry, helping him back up on his feet.

„Come here. Let's get you back on the couch." I guided him to the living room, making him lay back down and placed the cold cloth on his forehead. „Is that better?"

„A bit, yeah." He nodded slowly.

„I'll get you a hot water bottle for your stomach." I kissed his temple and left.

I got back a few minutes later with the hot water bottle that I placed on his stomach and some medicine along with hot tea and a bucket just in case.

„Thank you." He cracked a small smile. „'M so cold."

I quickly went to grab some fluffy socks and a blanket and went back, pulling the socks he already wore off his feet and put the warm, fluffy ones back on before I covered him with a blanket.

„Thank you. Love you." He said quietly.

„Love you too, sunshine." I kept soothingly running my hand up and down his arm. „You know, you should have just stayed at home all week already."

„I know, I know, but there were so many things I wanted to do that couldn't wait."

„Well, now everything else has to wait." I ran my hand through his soft, brown curls.

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