Chapter 225

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I've been practically living at the hospital as I spent most of the nights there with Y/n. She was doing okay. Not worse and that already said a lot. She obviously stilll experienced all those side effects of the treatment, but she wasn't as weak anymore as she was a few weeks ago. It's been two weeks of the intensive treatment already, but they santed to continue for another two weeks as they wanted to make sure to be as aggressive as they could since it was the only treatment that worked at the moment.

I was on my way back to the hospital to Y/n's room right now, walking down the so familiar hallway towards her room. When I opened the door, she sat in her bed, her legs angled in front of her so she could place a book in front of her that she was reading. She wore the fluffy socks I brought her from home and once again a shirt of mine.

„Hey, sweetie." I smiled at her, placing myself on the bed next to her and kissed her lips.

„Hi." She smiled back.

„How was the treatment? Doing alright?" I asked her as I couldn't be there this time because of some meeting my management had planned.

„I'm doing okay for now, yeah." She nodded. „How was the meeting?"

„Boring and long as always." I rolled my eyes.

She giggled at that before her expression changed to a serious one after she looked up and down my body. „Harry what happened to your hand?!" She exclaimed, looking at my left hand I obviously failed to hide. „Why is it bandaged? What did you do?" She reached out and laid it in her hand, making me wince. „Babe?!" She looked up at me, concerned.

„It's fine, love. It's nothing." I shook it off as it really was nothing.

„H, it doesn't look like nothing. What happened?"

„I really don't wanna say." I sighed.

„Why not?

„Because you'll worry."

„I'll worry either way. Might as well tell me." She said. „Please."

„Fine. But it's really nothing." I assured her first. „When I arrived for the meeting, I got swarmed by paps at the entrance and one of them accidentally hit my hand with his camera." I eventually told her. „Someone from management bandaged it afterwards."

„What the hell?!" She exclaimed. „I hate this so much."

„It's fine, I swear and it was just an accident."

„Does it hurt? Can you move your fingers?" She asked me.

„A little and yes I can." I demonstrated it to her.

„Do you think it's broken? You should get it x-rayed."

„No it's not broken, sweetie. I told you it's fine." I assured her again. „They just bandaged it because it was bleeding a little."

„You sure?" She raised her eyebrows.

„I'm sure. Now stop worrying about me."

„You gotta stop hurting yourself, Haz."

„Heeey. I don't hurt myself that often." I said.

She tilted her head. „Sure you don't. Just last week when you were at the gym, some weight fell on your foot or you hit your head just recently. You're pretty clumsy you know?"

I giggled at that. „That is true." I admitted. „This time it wasn't my fault though."

„ was the damn paps." She rolled her eyes.

„Again, it was an accident. It will be fine in a few days." I assured her again. „I'm sorry I wasn't there during your treatment. I really tried to postpone it, but they just wouldn't do it."

„It's okay, H. I'm okay doing it alone. Have done it by myself for two years."

„Still. You shouldn't have to." I placed my hand on one of her knees, running my thumb over it soothingly. „Seriously, are you doing okay otherwise?" I asked her again in case she didn't tell me the truth.

„Got a headache and like some heart palpitations but it's not too bad." She admitted.

„Okay, I'm glad then." I smiled a little.

„Remember two years ago when we just met again and we weren't back together yet, when you came with me to all the follow up appointments I had at the doctors?" She asked me.

I changed position and lied down on my side, resting my head pn my hand. „I do remember. Of course I do. I loved you, I always did, but at that time, I was too scared to tell you." I told her. „I cared so much about you, I couldn't let you go all by yourself."

She smiled a little, looking down in her lap before she looked back up. „I never told you how much that meant to me. How safe I felt with you there. You always made everything better...easier and you still do. Back then, I forgot what it felt like being cared about and feeling this safe. Thank you for doing that for me even back then."

„ have always been my Y/n, I have always loved you more than anything and I promised myself a long time ago that I'd do absolutely anything for you. You don't have to thank me ever, sweetie." I sat back up to kiss her lips. „I love you so much."

„Love you more, Haz." She smiled, her eyes glossy. „I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

„You do, my love. You lived alone for a while, you'd manage."

„Not anymore. After everything we went through together, every obstacle that came our way, I couldn't ever imagine life without you anymore. Having to go on tour or every time you leave for a while is already so hard. You're my soulmate, H."

„And you are mine." I smiled. „We just have to get through this obstacle and everything will turn out just great, yeah?"

She nodded. „Yeah."

„You're gonna ring that bell and you'll be just fine. You're doing better already and that's great."

„But what if...what if this is just me getting better before it all gets worse again. I heard that happens a lot just before the very end." Her expression changed again and I could tell this was bothering her for a while.

„Not in your case. That won't happen, okay? You heard it yourself last month. The cancer in your lungs has shrunken significantly. He said if it keeps working this well it will be completely gone in your lungs by the end of the month which is soon." I reminded her. „And then it's just the lymph nodes and it will be okay there too."

She nodded again, looking away though.

„Just keep your head up, love and keep fighting. We're almost at the end of the tunnel." I told her before I scooted closer and wrapped my arms tightly around her.

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