Chapter 273

57 0 2

March 2019
As soon as the plane landed, I grabbed my stuff and practically ran off it and quickly made my way inside. It was a private yet, so I didn't have to worry about baggage reclaim since the crew would handle that and I had the most important stuff with me anyways, so with a few of my security guards, I went inside the airport. Rounding the corner, there he finally was, leaning against a wall, his arms crossed in front of his chest, his gaze outside the window on the planes arriving and departing. There was a bodyguard that came with him, standing in the back.

I smiled at the sight of him, finally seeing his beautiful face in real life again. He eventually noticed me standing there and started smiling so brightly, reminding me once again why I always called him sunshine. He pushed himself away from the wall, opening his arms for me as he slowly came closer.

„There she is." He said after I quickly headed for his arms and he embraced me, hugging me tightly and lifting me off the ground, making me wrap my legs around his waist as he spun me around a little. „I missed you so much." He said, letting out a deep breath at the same time.

„I missed you even more, baby." I said, holding so tightly onto him I was scared I'd cut off his circulation. „I'm so glad to be back."

„I'm glad you're back too. Felt so lonely the last two weeks." He admitted, letting me back down on the ground.

„Oh baby, I'm sorry." I cupped his cheeks and finally kissed him again as I pressed my lips against his soft and pink ones.

Letting go of him and taking a better look at him, I finally realized that he looked just as tired as he told me he was a while back and even more now.

„Haz, are you doing okay? You look a little pale." I worried, my hands still on his cheeks. „You're not getting sick, are you?" I asked him, placing my hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

„Baby, no." He chuckled, removing my hand from his forehead. „Not getting sick, I'm fine. Just got a little headache today, that's all."

„Knowing you, you've been overworking yourself. Am I right?"

„Well...yeah, but just because of the album. There are some songs that I just want to be perfect." He told me.

„Same as always with you." I shook my head, smiling at him. „I'm so happy to see you again." I kissed his lips again.

„So happy to see you too, love." He smiled back, dimples popping. „Let's head home, our driver is waiting outside." He said, sliding his hand in mine and I leaned against his side while we made our way towards the exit.

Everything went well on our way outside, moving quickly with our security guiding us, but as soon as we got outside there was chaos. A huge crowd of fans, but mostly paps already formed, making it look almost impossible to find a way through.

Harry's grip on my hand instantly tightened and he pulled me a little closer to his body, looking visibly stressed and that made me worry, because Harry was rarely stressed in situations like this one.

„The car should be right back there." He said, pointing to a spot I couldn't even see because of the crowd in front of it, blocking the view.

Harry rubbed his face with his hand, running it through his hair afterwards, probably trying to figure out how the fuck we should get through this many people.

„Just hold onto me, okay? Don't look around too much, stay right behind me." Harry told me, knowing damn well how bad my claustrophobia was in moments like this.

I nodded. „Yeah, okay."

Security started guiding us through while Harry walked in front of me, tightly holding onto my hand while I followed him.

It all went pretty well as we managed to get through the blinding flashes and the paps until we almost reached the car when out of fucking nowhere some pap managed to push himself between me and Harry. He made my hand slip out of Harry's and separated us, elbowing Harry hard in the middle of his back what made him let out a pained scream, his legs giving in just a little as he stopped walking and bent over, not expecting this at all, his hand instantly placed on his back and security catching him just before he could fall.

„Haz!" I called fully concerned now as he didn't stand back up straight again like he usually would and security guards were gathered all around him, trying to check on him while I was pushed back further away from him more and more with everyone pushing themselves between us now. „Let me through! Please!" I tried my best to push myself through, not seeing anything else than Harry who was obviously hurt and in pain in the middle of a fucking crowd of paparazzi.

I eventually managed to get closer, seeing him again, still in the same position. His other hand was placed on one of the guards' shoulder that was kneeling down in front of him. He was breathing slowly and heavily what made me worry even more.

I still couldn't quite reach him, some people still standing in my way and I hated it, because I didn't know what the hell was going on. My heart was quite literally racing in my chest, not knowing what was happening and not being able to help, so I tried as hard as I could to push my small figure through the tall men in front of me and eventually actually managed to do so and finally reached Harry.

I instantly crouched down in front of him, seeing his eyes were shut and his teeth gritted. He was in a lot of pain.

„Harry baby, what is it? What's wrong?" I placed my hand on his shoulder

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„Harry baby, what is it? What's wrong?" I placed my hand on his shoulder.

„My fucking hurts so much. Fuck!" He let out, his breathing quick.

„Can you stand up straight?"

He shook his head. „I don- I don't know...feel like it'll get worse."

„I'm sorry baby, but we need to get you out of here. Let's try slowly, okay?"

He knew as well as I did that we needed to get away from here right now as this has caused even more attention than we already did, so he just nodded.

„Just slow movements." I reminded him as I grabbed both his hands and slowly helped him stand upright which made him let out some pained moans and cries, biting his lip hard to stop himself from doing so. „Good, that's good. The car is right there, I'll help you." I told him, giving the security the okay to continue walking the last few meters to the car.

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