Chapter 255

52 1 4

16 weeks
October 2018
It was a beautiful sunny day today. It was weird for the London weather to be like this. This sunny, the sky so blue and it was almost warm. Birds were chirping outside and it seemed like a perfect day.
Knowing the city we lived in though, that could change in a second and a storm could come in a matter of minutes.

For now, the weather was great. I took the day off, because I felt kind of drained and under the weather. I spent the day mostly writing or reading, but eventually I went downstairs to make myself a cup of tea and laid down on the couch, covering myself with a thick blanket as I was freezing. I fell alseep at some point, my face bruied in a pillow.

I probably slept through the whole  afternoon, because I woke back up to a gentle stroke on my arm, making me open my eyes and see Harry sitting on the edge of the couch next to me.

„What- what is it?" I rubbed my eyes, my voice quiet as I was still half asleep.

„Just wanted to let you know I'm home, sweetie." His voice was soft and gentle before he kissed my head.

I opened my eyes, sitting upright and wrapping my arms around him. „Glad you're back. I'm so tired today." I buried my face in his chest.

He rubbed my back soothingly. „Did you sleep through the whole afternoon? You didn't answer my texts, so I thought I'd come home earlier to check on you."

I grabbed my phone that was lying underneath my blanket and saw his texts and one missed call. „I'm sorry, Haz. I was so tired, I guess I didn't hear the notification, but you're way too sweet. You didn't have to come home early."

„I don't like being away when you don't feel too good anyways, love and I thought we could cook dinner together." He kissed me again.

„What are you thinking of?" I let go of him, looking up at him.

„What about pasta made from scratch? You've wanted to make that for a while and we never had the time."

„Yes, I'd love that." I smiled. „I feel better already." I kissed his lips, making him chuckle.

„Great, I'll prep everything." He smiled, getting up and I followed him after I stood up myself and stretched my body.

I watched Harry for a while, getting everything out of the cabinet that we would need and eventually helped him with everything.

Hours passed of us cooking and just having fun while at it, making a mess all over the kitchen, because we couldn't stop messing around with the flour, but we didn't mind.
Eventually we had dinner and it was so good.

„I'm actually so proud of us. Didn't think we'd be so good at this." I said with a smile after dessert while cleaning up and I brought the dishes into the kitchen, putting them into the dishwasher.

„Me neither. We really outdid ourselves tonight." Harry agreed, cleaning the dining table.

I went on, filling the dishwasher with our used glasses. „We did. We should do this more oft-." I stopped when suddenly these excruciating cramps hit me out of nowhere, making me bend a bit as I held onto the kitchen counter. „Fuck!" I whimpered and Harry looked up instantly, the cramps only getting stronger. I clutched my stomach, crying out in pain, my eyes shut.

„Y/n? Babe? Hey, what's wrong?"

Harry was immediately by my side, holding my arms and preventing my legs from giving in as he steadied me.

„Aaaah! It hurts so much!" I cried, opening my eyes, looking down and that was when I froze and my heart dropped. „Harry there's blood! There's blood, Harry!" I cried, tears streaming down my face when I looked at the pool of blood on the floor. I brought my hand up that was clutching my thighs, seeing the blood on my fingertips and realizing it was running down my legs. „No, no, no, no. What's happening?! What's happening, Harry?!"

Harry's eyes were wide with shock and concern.

„I- I don't know. It's gonna be okay...everything- everything is gonna be alright, okay?" He said, trying to assure me and calm me down, but I could tell by listening to his voice that he had no idea what was gonna happen.

„Aaaah, it hurts, Harry! It hurts so bad!" I screamed out, eventually sinking to my knees as more blood kept on coming. „Our baby...Harry our baby!" I cried.

„Shhh, it's- it's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay and our baby too." He said, going down with me and holding me tightly. „There's a lot of blood, I'm gonna have to call an ambulance, okay? They're gonna take care of you and you'll be okay."

I could only nod, one of my hand placed on my stomach, terrified of what was gonna happen to our baby and with the other one I was tightly gripping onto Harry's arm, my nails digging into his skin.

„I'm scared...I'm so scared, Harry. Something's wrong, something's really fucking wrong." I sobbed into his shoulder.

„I know you are, I know, sweetheart. I'm here, I'm with you. You're not alone. They're gonna take care of you and you'll both be fine." Harry said, frantically typing on his phone with one hand and then making the call.

There it was...the storm.

I was panicking on the inside, seeing all this blood and Y/n in so much pain, knowing this couldn't be good in any way, but I couldn't show my concern or she'd be even more scared.
I called an ambulance, because I just didn't wanna risk anything and knew this would be the best option right now.

Y/n was in more and more pain, screaming snd crying, holding me so tightly like never before. I've never seen her like this, not even during the worst of our times. It was scary and heartbreaking. I was so scared, so incredibly scared as well, I couldn't imagine what she was feeling.
I was scared for her and our baby girl, our little miracle.

„I...I feel dizzy." Y/n eventually said, her grip on me losening more and more and I realized the loss of blood made her lose consciousness soon.

„Hey, no, look at me. Y/n, look at me." I held her upright, cupping her cheek so she would look at me. „The ambulance is almost here, okay? Don't faint on me now. Please. You're strong, you can do this. Just look at me, focus on me. It's gonna be okay. I love you, okay? I love you so much." I told her and she just nodded, her body too weak to even respond.

Finally, I heard the sirens. I looked up, outside the window and saw that the ambulance was here. When I looked back at Y/n, her eyes were closed and her body just fell against my chest.

„Y/n! No! Wake up! Come on, wake up, sweetheart. Please." Tears ran down my cheeks while I gently stroked her cheek, hoping it would make her wake up, but she didn't and I was terrified.

I'm sorry, hope you still like me🙈🫶🏻

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