Chapter 10

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Hold up, Astrid is pregnant? I must of had a depressed look on my face or something because Astrid started to cry." No, no Astrid i'm sorry i'm....what did I do?" I looked at Astrid. She didn't reply instead she looked at me and I just realized that Astrid and I never had sex so, how could....wait!" Hiccup I am so, so sorry," Astrid started. "You know, who's the guy?" I said coldly. "What do you mean, Hiccup?" I was pissed now. "YOU KNOW WHAT THE HELL I MEAN, ASTRID!!!! THAT'S NOT MY KID!!! NOW WHO'S THE FUCKING FATHER, ASTRID??! ANSWER ME!!!!!!" I lost it. Astrid looked at me with hurt in her eyes, but I didn't even care, not even a morsel. Astrid sighed in deeply and looked into my eyes. "The father Jack of the North Pole." my best friend Jack? My eyes blinked so very confused in what I just heard of. Wait, wasn't Jack dating Elsa? Whoa.....I made out with her!! I cheated on Astrid first. At least mine was a make out session not a new baby! I am going to ask my mom where Elsa is. I left Astrid crying on a stone. I am so done with her.


Turns out Valka is pretty cool to hang out with. We started to talk about queens and things like that. I found it very funny. We were both queens, but so different in age. I kept wondering where Hiccup went to. Probably making out with Astrid or something. I can't believe I actually kissed that guy. "Elsa, or queen, how are you and Prince Jack?" I stayed still. Jack. I forgot all about him, then I cheated on him with his best friend. Great, drama. "We are doing good, we should be getting betrothed soon." I said half-lying and half-truth. We were supposed to get married like 3 weeks ago. "Well, congrats. Do you love him? Sorry, I just like to tease Hiccup about his relationships." I smiled and laughed. But then I thought about it. I really didn't love him. Sure, he was cute and funny, but I feel like someone else is for me out there. "Well....not kingdom just needed a king." I said truthfully. Valka looked down ashamed of what she asked. I felt bad. "It's okay, it's not like you asked a very personal question. Anyway, you were just curious;like my sister, it's okay." I said as sweetly as I could. "Elsa, I wanted you to marry my son...." Valka suddenly said. I was blushing furiously. "Oh r-really." I sounded like I was the worlds most stupidest queen in the world right now. I faced palmed my face. Valka laughed. "Elsa, it's fine I was being stupid for asking that. I noticed that you blushed when I said that, though." I laughed nervously. "Well um me and your son...." I was gonna say something when Hiccup ran through and pushing everyone out of the way. "Hello Mother. Elsa. Wait Elsa?" Hiccup said as cute as ever. That he started to smile. I laughed to myself that's the smiled he always shared with me. "Hey Hiccup." I said crossing my legs while I stared at him. "Hiccup, what's up with the long face?" Valka asked with care. She was such a great mother to him. "I don't really want to talk about with Elsa present..." Hiccup said rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded and walked to the kitchen I was very hungry. I could faintly hear them talking. I think Hiccup said my name. I shivered at the thought. When I reached the kitchen I saw Astrid. "Oh hey Astrid, how are you?" I asked her. I wish I didn't do that. "ELSA WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY MAN!!!! YOU LITTLE SLUT!!! YOU DISTRACTED HIM FROM ME!!! YOU MADE HIM BREAK UP WITH ME!!" she yelled. I ran out of the kitchen. Suddenly not hungry anymore.

About 12 minutes later, Valka called me back into the room where we were originally talking. Hiccup was standing by her side with a sad look on his face. "Elsa," she took in a big sigh. "Prince Jack, Jack, has been cheating on you ever since you guys have been betrothed." I shook my head. No. No he wasn't this is just a very sick prank they are playing on me. I don't love him, but damn, can not even keep one guy in my life? "W-what? How do you know?!" I defended. Hiccup looked down about to cry. "Elsa, he's going to be a father." I looked down at my stomach. Im not pregnant. I heard a faint chuckle. "Elsa, dear, he and Astrid are an item..." My mouth formed a great big "o" shape. I started to cry. No, Jack my best friend. I was so mad. Hiccup went at my side and hugged me. I cried into his shoulder. "I need to go back to Arendelle" I mumbled into Hiccups broad shoulder. "It's okay I want you to stay here Elsa." Hiccup said comfortably. I sobbed/laughed into his shoulder. I guess Valka felt very awkward so she left us embracing each other. "Hiccup," I sniffed "Remember when we kissed in my ice castle." I heard Hiccup give a slight 'mhm' in my hair. "I-I think I liked it way better that Jacks' kisses." I said shyly. Hiccup chuckled and lifted up my chin. "Elsa, Im sorry I lied about Astrid..." he said about to cry," And.." I interrupted him. "Hiccup it's okay really." I said looking into his green eyes. He pulled me in closer to him. I started to close my eyes. He did the same. Just then his lips met mine. It wasn't like before where he was rough about it. We were gently touching lips. Hiccup that depend the kiss with pressing his lips harder to mine. I moaned softly in his mouth. We broke apart for air. We looked at each other with so much love and lust I didn't know which was which. Hiccup smiled and said,"I will go saddle up toothless, were going to Arendelle." I gave him a look. "O-or we could go by boat." I laughed. This was going to be a fun, fun travel.

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