Chapter 22

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She was running throughout the castle halls panicking, sweating. Hiccup was chasing after her, yelling at her. She didn't know what for though. She just kept running, discarding Hiccup's warnings. She still didn't know what she was running to that was so important that she's not listening to her love. She ran past Gerda and Kai. They both too, were yelling at her to stop. That didn't stop her. She ran past Anna who encouraged her to continue running. Her running was slowing to a sulky stop. She looked up at what was there. She heard the tears of the people trying to stop her and the cheers coming from Anna. She studied the wording on the building placed in front her. The building read: Arendelles Children Orphanage.

                                    *         *         *

Elsa shot out of bed with a exasperated jolt. She didn't know why her heart was racing. It wasn't even a scary dream, just a really weird one. She looked to her right, there was Hiccup sleeping peacefully. She smiled at his sleepy state and rested her head on his chest. For once, his chest wasn't bare. He went to bed late, after a long fight he and Elsa had. Elsa laid her head on his chest for a bit, not moving, not sleeping. Then she decided she was bored and decided to pay early morning visits to her kingdom. Elsa got up from the bed, without waking up Hiccup, and went into her closet to pick out her dress for the day. She bit her lip, like she does when she's faced with a decision, and decided she had 'nothing' in her closet. She made her own dress with her special ice powers. She did minimal effort to her hair. Just a side braid with bangs hanging out. She decided she looked good so she left her and Hiccup's room. She didn't want any food right now. so she just skipped Gerda trying to hand her food. She left the castle and went out to the main market. She loved this market. Probably more than Anna. The alive atmosphere just made her so happy. She smiled at everyone who passed by her. Even those people who look like they are having a hell of day. She wished as queen she could at least turn down the work loads on them for even just a day. She was just walking around, buying a thing that caught her eye. When she came upon a bulky building that looks like it hasn't been kept up for a while. There was green vines everywhere with no grass around it. Elsa was nonetheless angry at this building. Her kingdom needs to be beautiful and equal. This is like a horse stable gone terribly terribly wrong. She looked up at the buildings name. Ahhh it's the orphanage. Alright time to bring some hell to the owner. Thought Elsa as she's walking inside. 

"O-oh Queen Elsa! What a surprise, you're here. Visitng." Exclaimed The Owner.

Elsa smiled at her delicately. 

"Yes, I came to see that is building is. Well, how do I put this. Too ugly to be in my kingdom. I distinctly remember giving you money to update this orphanage. I would like you to-" 

Elsa was interrupted by shouting. Well more like yelling. From a child. 

"Jamie shut it. She's gonna hear you!" Said a feminine voice in a harsh tone. 

Elsa's mind started reeling. She was thinking about Jamie and why he was yelling like he was. His voice seemed distant. Like he was in a different room far below this establishment. 

"What was that?" Elsa found herself asking. 

"Oh it was just the kids having fun. Like they always do. You know how it is," The Owner tried to explain.

Elsa wasn't really listening.

"Well are you going to check up on them?" Elsa spoke in a calm manner.

The Owner nodder her head and walked away from Elsa. Elsa was curious so she started to follow her. She knew that The Owner was a bit panicky. But Elsa didn't care. She was going to live up to her promise and hang out with Jamie today.
As they were walking deeper into the old, crackly building, Elsa kept seeing imperfections. She couldn't wrap her head around it. Why are the children living under this?

Norwegian LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora