Supers Wear Stupid Outfits

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He knows it's a tired complaint, but Jay truly cannot get over how over-the-top and unnecessary hero outfits are. How much money is spent on just designing each one? Why don't they all just wear identical uniforms? And why do so many of them insist on wearing those stupid, hazardous, capes!?

Fashion rage aside, though, he can't deny his interest when Pixamena offers to introduce him to her designer. While his current suit is functional, the Network only allotted him a bare minimum uniform budget. The chance for a new outfit, paid out of pocket by the glamourous magical girl herself, proved too enticing to decline. So a few weeks after "escaping" Stygian, Jay is in his van driving Pixamena to meet up with the designer.

"You're going to love her, Quickwit, she's great."

"Yeah, thanks again for doing this, Pixamena. I really need an upgrade."

"Yeah you do, dork," Pixiepuff barks.

Pixamena bops Pixiepuff on the head, scowling, "be nice, Pixiepuff!"

She smiles brightly, her glittery corset reflecting starry bits of light about the van. "But he's right, you do need a better suit. Especially after—after everything that happened. You deserve it."

"Yeah—ah—anyway, I'm really excited to meet Miss Harper. I've heard so much about her work," says Jay.

A flush rises to Pixamena's face. "She really is amazing, no other designer can mix form, function, and fashion all into one!"

Jay nods, glancing at the GPS. They're pulling into one of the fancier neighborhoods in Houston. The houses here are massive, each one grander than the next. There's even shaped shrubbery in the front of each lawn, each covered in elaborate halloween decorations.

However, as the van pulls up to their destination, they're greeted with a home that rivals them all in grandeur. After pressing a buzzer, they pass a set of golden gates and into a fanciful garden. The road wanders up until they're at the front of the mansion, two marble statues of masked heroines greeting visitors at the steps.

Pixamena skips out of the van and to the entrance, knocking at the door. A man in a white suit opens the door for her, welcoming them both into the home demurely. Pixamena heads straight for the foyer, plopping down on a plush white couch with Pixiepuff in her lap.

"Celesteeee, come down already!" Pixamena cheers.

Right on cue, from the top of the grand stairs, Celeste appears.The dark-skinned woman walks down elegantly, the click-clack of her heels resounding on the white marble floors. She approaches silently, stopping right before Jay. She studies him top to bottom with cold eyes, sweeping her long braids over her shoulders.

"Um, hello, nice to meet you Miss Harper," Jay warbles out nervously.

Celeste doesn't respond, her cold eyes sweeping over to Pixamena. "Did you get my text?"

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