|| Chapter 2: Hoarding ||

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|| Chapter 2 : Hoarding  ||

3rd Person's POV

January 3 2050 . 3: 30 am , Francine woke up.

Stretching her stiff limbs, Francine felt a lot better. She got up from the bed and took a shower. Her action was quick so it only took her three minutes to wash up and change her clothes .

Wearing a black long sleeved shirt, coupled with her skinny jeans and white sneakers, Francine looked very attractive.

She went out of her house, went to the garage and started her car .

Francine's first goal is to buy foods .Rice , bread , instant noodles, canned products, ect.

She bought a hundred tons of rice , which costs about 100,000 .

In addition, she stocked up thousands boxes of instant noodles of various flavors such as Japanese tonkotsu , braised beef , seafood pan noddles , spicy beef , dry noddles... basically all the flavors in the market !

After the apocalypse began , instant noodles will be a luxury item.

Next , she walked to the aisle that contains canned products and bought a lot . Francine bought a thousands of canned foods , which attracted the attention of the other customers . But she didn't care , she continued to shop crazily , ignoring the stares she get.

After that , she paid and left the supermarket in satisfaction. She returned to her car and when no one was looking, she stuffed her hoarded food into the space . She then quickly drove to her next destination.

Her next destination is the slaughter house . She bought fresh beef , pork , lamb , ect. She also bought some chicken , pig , dairy cows ,  goats ,  sheep , turkeys , duck and geese to raise and stuffed them into her space when no one was looking .

Next, she stopped into a clothing store and shopped crazily. She bought women and men's t-shirts, leather jeans , combat boots , running shoes , winter jacket , hats , gloves , and everything useful .

Then , she went into the section where baseball bats were placed . She bought three baseball bats and she put them into her shopping cart .

The people eyed her and whispered, probably mocking Francine, however, she doesn't care about those people or their conversations . She paid for her goods and left , secretly putting everything she bought into the space .

As she was about to continue her shopping , her stomach growled in hunger . It was only when Francine realized that she didn't eat breakfast this morning.

Stopping into a nearby restaurant, Francine ordered all the foods in the menu. After all , when the apocalypse will begin , she cannot eat this foods .

After Francine finished hoarding the goods , it was already dark outside so she decided to go home and stop hoarding for now. 

Francine planned to move out of her house . In her previous life, her so called family directly broke into her house when she was not home . She doesn't like to deal with those animals so she went out the next day to find a villa to rent .

She chose to rent a villa located on the north side, which is closest to the foot of the mountain.

It is also the farthest building from the entrance , very far away from the crowd.

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