On the inside: Kit x Moth!Reader

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Requested by: @yadier026
Reader is an object but with moth features (antennae, compound eyes, etc)

O/N- Y/N but osc.
DLL: Daddy long legs (I'm lazy)

A/N: I'm back from break my pookies

O/N was suddenly teleported to a red room along wtih a bunch of other contestants. Then a large spider(?) started talking about an object show or whatever. Before they knew it they were on a team called the delinquents. They didn't really know what was going on but Limey picked them because they looked like a weird monster they could use to fight or whatever.

The team clearly had a bad dynamic, but they found a nice time in hanging out with Kit and Spraypaint. Kit, despite seeming to not care about anything, had a personality somewhere in there. Spraypaint was all about doing crimes, and kind of took in O/N as a little crime buddy. O/N just latched on to the first people that didn't call them a freak.

It kind of just became Kit and O/N hanging out during challenges after Spray's elimination. They still found time, though. The next challenge was hide and seek, so you and Kit were waiting in the weird new hallway with Polaroid, messing around with his picture printing ability.

O/N: "Oh! Print out a picture of me flying around!"

Polaroid prints the picture.

Kit: "Alright, now print out a picture of me eating a bagel."

Polaroid prints the picture.

Kit: "Now print out a picture be me and O/N-"

Daddy Long Legs peeks into the room, stopping Kit mid-sentence.

DLL: "Found you guys."

Kit: "Oh. Great."

DLL: "Wait.. Limey and Pilly aren't here but they weren't.. out.. there either-"

Kit: "Limey ran into that hallway over there."

Polaroid prints something, O/N picks it up and reads it, but it seems directed at Kit.

DLL: "Oh.. uh.. thanks for the help.. I'll get going."

Roomy: "Be careful!"

O/N showed the picture that Polaroid printed to Kit, insert the rest of the dialogue here.

So now that they were out of the challenge, they could probably just do whatever. Besides a weird encounter with Playdoh who turned out the just be Pilly later on, nothing much happened. Not really feeling like walking, the two kind of just sat there, chatting and such.

It would seem boring to anyone else, but for some reason, talking to Kit felt different. It felt.. better. Like a lantern drawing them in that didn't hurt when they got close. Her glow felt soft and warm, but not burning. It was perfect.

Kit: "Hello, O/N? Are you like, there?"

O/N snapped out of their thinking

O/N: "Yeah, sorry. I zoned out."

Kit: "You're like, blushing."

O/N: "N-no I'm not!"

Kit: "I can see it. You aren't very subtle."

O/N was panicking internally, their antennae raised up as they tried to find something to say.

O/N: "I-I-uh..."

Kit: "Do you have a crush on me?"

O/N: "No.."

Kit glares at O/N, not in a mad way, she kind of felt the same way, thank goodness her red wrapper hid her slight blush.

O/N: "Ok fine! I like you! A lot!"

Kit took O/N's hands, smiling lightly. O/N was blushing even more, their antennae raised up and compound eyes wide

Kit: "I do too."

O/N: "But I'm all ugly with fur and weird eyes and bug stuff. How?"

Kit: "I know this is gonna sound like, really corny, but I like you for what's on the inside. You're always so happy and kind. It's cute."

O/N: "I-I- Thank you."

Kit: "Wanna go tell Spray?"

O/N: "Why not?"

The two then walked off, wrapping up our story up and such.

A/N: Yes, I am not good with endings. No, I will not fix the ending.

Total word count: 660

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