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Karlee woke up to the sound of people in the kitchen, you could hear Rachel's bubbly laugh and Josh chuckling. It made Karlee think about how cute they were together, they were made for each other. As if on cue Hunter opened Karlee's door and motioned for her to come out and join them.

They ate their breakfast and talked about the plans of the day. It felt just like it did when Karlee first moved to New York and was roommates with Olivia and Scarlett, starting their strong friendship. She felt like she'd known them for years and it was a great vibe all around.

They all parted ways to get ready and met back up in the living room. It was just a calm day on set so they weren't really 'dressed up'. Karlee wore baggy jeans with platform converse, making her almost Rachel's height, and a white babydoll tee with an oversized brown coat. She let her hair do its own thing, only brushing it out and put on light makeup.

On set
There wasn't much for Karlee to do today so she had just planned on following Hunter around and sitting in on table reads to get ideas for songs. But, as they walked in she'd been pulled away by Rachel who was walking in a completely different direction than the table filled with writers and other actors.

"Rachel, where are we going?"

"Shhh!" Rachel shushed the girl dramatically as they approached a trailer marked 'Tom Blyth'

"Oh god" she whispered. She knew she'd meet Tom today, she just thought it'd be around a lot of people. Not right infront of his trailer with only Rachel, who was probably going to leave them alone at some point. As Rachel knocked Karlee got nervous, she'd barely talked to this guy let alone thought of how to introduce herself.

They heard a short come in and Rachel opened the door to reveal Tom in a chair with one leg over the other going over his script. He looked up and only saw Rachel at first but then the shorter girl came into view. She looked shy but also held a confidence that came naturally to her. He couldn't help but take her in, going over every detail of her face and outfit. She wasn't wearing anything extra, but she looked great. Amazing even.

Rachel cleared her throat stifling a laugh, "Tom, I wanted you to meet Karlee. Karlee, Tom." She pointed at the two, and as Karlee had predicted, she walked out of the trailer.

With only the two newly introduced people left in the room it grew silent. Tom stood up, slightly towering over the girl and stuck his hand out, "It's good to meet you, Karlee."

Karlee was stuck with her hand in his as he said her name. Something about the way he said it made her want to fall to the floor and blush uncontrollably. But she tried to hold onto the last bit of composure she has, "it's good to meet you too, Tom." It was his turn to blush at the way she said his name.

They both unknowingly blushed while keeping a hold of each others hands. Tom was the one to let go, not wanting to make her uncomfortable and they both let out a breath neither knew they were holding. A voice came from outside saying it was time for the table read and the two made their way out and joined the others.

Throughout the read, while Karlee was writing down ideas for music, Tom found himself drawn to look at her. And when Tom was writing notes for his character and certain scenes, Karlee felt the same way. They snuck glances at each other when the other wasn't looking, but the three people that had been observing them kept looking at each other and smirking.

Hunter, Josh, and Rachel all had bets for when their 'lovebirds' would get together. Josh thinks it'll be three weeks, Rachel thinks a month. But Hunter, who's known Karlee her entire life, thinks they won't admit anything for atleast a month. Karlee isn't good with emotions or new feelings and for her to like someone and actually make the first move is unlikely. So, it'll have to be Tom to make the first move, and he won't do that till he's absolutely sure she feels the same way. So she knows the fifty dollar bet is hers to win.

1. No social media in this post, I just wanted to have an entire chapter for them meeting and the thoughts all the others had about them.
2. Idk how often I'll be able to update this, im reallyyy behind in school so i need to get that done but once i get either up to date or finished completely updates will be more regular.
With that i hope yall enjoy!

𝗜𝗙 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗞 𝗜𝗠 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬|Tom BlythWhere stories live. Discover now