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Tom's POV

She's scream singing the Lover album by Taylor swift rn

Ikkk I love itttt

Tom do something!!

What?! Me?
What would I do

Are you being for real!!

Ur oblivious Tom

Ughhh this is gonna take forever
Ask. Her. Out.

WHAT? Why!

And you like her...
We're not spelling it out for you

Okay.. but like how

Ur 28 asking us how to
ask a girl out.
There's no helping you!

If you want anything to
happen you're going to have
to make the first move.
Karlee never does bc she hates

Like she'd ever be rejected


Yess awww!
Before she thinks you don't like her and goes back home

When is she going home?!?!

She's only supposed to stay
until music is finished. And
knowing her it'll only take a
month. Then she'll go home
and the chance will be gone!

Okay okay
I'll do it, only when I see a
good time to though.
I don't want to rush this

Hunter, Rach, and Josh loved a message.

6:20 am

Hey, are you up?

yea what's up

I was wondering if after
filming tonight you'd wanna
go get drinks?
I know a lot about everyone
else but you..

I'm a mystery Blyth, like
to stay that way.
But sure:) I'd love to

you can stay a mystery, just
want to know a little about you

Karlee liked a message

Karlee had agreed to go get dinner with me, it's not a date. More like a get to know one another. I think Karlee is beautiful and kind but I need to know more about her. And if I want her to like me, I need her to know me. So I booked a reservation at a small restaurant close to our set, nothing fancy, I'll save that for when she agrees to go on a date with me.

Today's set day was pretty basic, just finishing up scenes from yesterday and moving on to the next scenes. The only thing I disliked was that there was barely any free time to go bug Karlee. Except for this morning when she took the last croissant and then at lunch when I got a sneaky pic of her and posted it on my story. But other than that I didn't see her at all.

We got let out of set and I waited at my car for her, she walked out and looked amazing. She was dressed in baggy jeans but didn't look 'basic' as she paired it with a trench coat and a plain white shirt. Her hair was blowing in the wind and she looked like she was going to a New York fashion week show. I was speechless. I called her over and we made our way to the restaurant.

We made small talk in the car and once we were seated we both got red wine.

"So, you wnat to know all my deep dark secrets?" She teased

"Not deep dark, unless you're offering. But I just want to know more about you." I laughed, and it looked like she was thinking before she started.

"Well as you know hunters my sister, we grew up really close and she was a big part of me becoming a singer. We'd put on performances where I'd sing and she'd be a backup dancer. We did everything from Lady Gaga to Queen, and we'd have matching Halloween costumes. Like when she was a capitol member I was Katniss, and we were shark girl and lava girl one year." She giggled at the fond memories she shared with Hunter and I couldn't get enough of the stories.

"That sounds like a really fun childhood!"

"It was trust me," she laughed, "then in highschool I started acting, did stuff like Disney, and a few small movies."

"Wait what? You're an actor?" She looked away shyly, like she wasn't ready for all the attention.

"Yea a little.." her voice was small

"That's great! Did you like it?"

"Mm I think I favor singing because it's all mine, I don't have to rely on others to carry me and it's my feelings being shown not a characters. But I do like acting sometimes." I love the way she thinks. We spent the rest of the evening going back and forth with stories from childhood all the way to before we left for Berlin.

We got a tom POV and I'm kinda in the middle of writers block, like I have the next chapter kinda planned but if you have any ideas you wnat included pls comment. Also just comment your thoughts bc I love interacting with yall, it makes me day I swear☺️

𝗜𝗙 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗞 𝗜𝗠 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬|Tom BlythWhere stories live. Discover now