Chapter 2- Social media

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Another big part of the life of a socialite would be their social media presence. The way they're able to captivate the audience and maybe even you is alluring. Figuring out the best times to post (Golden hour analytics), lighting and the type of content that you wish to post can be the difference between motivational posting and ritual posting.

Motivational posts: When you feel inspired for a certain amount of time and feel like posting.

Ritual posting: Continuously posting no matter how you feel because you know that you post what you're interested in.

Burn out can happen with both of these btw. Not just with motivational posts.

Posting often will get you more followers and will help you create an audience. Most socialites use this to boost their status and connections, often interacting with others to do collaborations to both boost their following.

Remember- Avoid posts that might be vulgar or unflattering. Also, keep your political opinions to yourself, expressing negative or positive comments about something or someone will most likely make you an influencer to avoid. Guard your mouth.

Posting also should leave out your very personal life. Post trips 2 or 3 days after getting back home, constantly switch up your supermarkets and lunch routine to become unpredictable, be aware of your surroundings and other people at all times, switch account passwords every 3 months or so and writing it on paper, never log in while on foreign wifi, log out whenever you leave your phone somewhere else, using a vpn. These are some things you should start practicing, even if you don't plan on posting.
- Sapphire ~5/30/23~ (💸) Complete

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