Chapter 7- Prioritization & Productiveness

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Always be productive, working hard, making connections, getting enough sleep, mental health days, going to events, constantly changing your lookbook, cleaning and cooking, constantly learning and expanding your knowledge... it can always be somewhat of a challenge for all of us. Especially doing this while maintaining relations and having your head in business and assets.

Having routines, rituals and being organized are all great ways to keep up with the grind and still enjoy your life. During this time, it's important to remember that the little things are somewhat important.

It's best to use your time productively no matter what. Socialites are always doing something that will positively affect their lives. Promoting an app or company, charity work, investing their time in reading, spending money or time maintaining their physical appearance, handling social media and many other things.

Not only do socialites attend events, they host events, make their own clubs and run businesses. Some people might think that being a socialite is all about being rich, fashionable, and attractive, but there is so much more than just the basics.

A socialite is someone who knows how to persuade people. Using her resources and knowledge to live a comfortable life. None of this would be possible without Constant productivity, healthy lifestyle and probably a therapist to be honest.

There are many ways to become organized like making schedules, Planning out events weeks in advance, being responsible with money and finance, being moderate with things like how long you watch a show, your diet and exercise etc.
-Sapphire ~5/31/23~ (💸)

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