Chapter 4-Building your resumé

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Building your social standing isn't the only thing that can get you to the top of your pyramid. Having access to not only others in different or similar crafts, but having access to knowledge. Building your portfolio will make connecting easier.

Resumè vs Portfolio:
A resumè is a collection of your work achievements and professional experience. A portfolio is just a collection of your work samples.

While these things sound the same and act in the same workspace, both of them can come hand in hand when it comes to your credentials. So why is this so important to us? Building credibility is like letting our work speak for itself. While on the road to fame, you will be a nobody at first, Nobody will know you, nobody will care about you and honestly, why should they?

Give them something worthy of following and paying attention to. Don't verbally give them reason, let them differ and ponder on whether they should like you. Let them take a glimpse of what you bring to the table.

Building your resumè includes but is not limited to: College, work experience, showing expertise in art, fashion industry, finance, charity work, and anything that shows your interests.

In order to become a socialite, you must be smart. Protecting your assets as they continue to grow is one of the most important parts. Learn who to trust, who to not. Study behavior and trust your gut feeling. Be educated not only in your craft, but the people in it. Taking "Friends in high places," to a new level.
~Sapphire 5/31/23(💸) complete

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