Chapter 10- Keeping Relevance

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Even if you follow all of these steps with consistency, you still might not be recognized as a socialite. Why is that? Relevance. Even the best socialites can one day become an old wives tale. Still earning respect and with reputation intact yet, can't fit into the newer crowd. How can we maintain relevance?

Have good connections to get you into events and have good relationships with these people. Consider having a specific brand. Technically an online personality. Even if it's your humor or genuinity, that's your choice.

Know who your audience is and stay connected with them. Constantly engage in meet and greets. Have something they can reminisce over. One good example of this would be music fandoms. Fans of BTS (Armys) Beyonce (Beyhive) Nicki M (Barbs) Lady Gaga (The little monsters) all have something to connect with. Their music.

Most people are able to have some sort of understanding with the lyrics or really like the vibe. They are willing to defend someone who they believe helped them through a difficult time. Mabe someone they just genuinely liked.
I encourage you to form a genuine bond with your fans and supporters. Don't fall sick with the celebrity disease. Remember the people who give you relevance and power. They are important.

Always update your fanbase and stay interactive. Post daily and reply to comments. Don't pay attention to haters and keep doing you babe <3
- Sapphire (6/5/23) {💸}

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