Chapter 8- Gossip

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Humans are particularly prone to gossip. It's human nature to talk about the most recent events and rumors all the time. Similar to discussing your hobby, you can't get enough of it. But how do we develop proper gossiping skills? How can we discuss stories or the most recent news without offending or boring people?

One of the first things you can do is learn how to listen well. Practice listening to others while remaining calm, patient, and attentive. People will notice when we genuinely listen if we can learn to open our ears, which may be difficult for the few of us. They will eventually want to talk to us more frequently if they think we consider their feelings.

You may be an excellent listener, but it doesn't necessarily mean you're good at gossiping or having intelligent conversations. Making eye contact is another thing that is beneficial. Even though it could occasionally be frightening, if you can train yourself to look away from your hands or your phone during critical conversations, it will once more demonstrate that you are paying attention and listening.

A term with two sharp edges is gossip. People are both excited and concerned when they hear the word gossip. Many of us find gossip to be both bitter and pleasant. Although we enjoy hearing about it, getting into trouble is not something we enjoy. I urge and counsel you to avoid damaging and unfavorable rumors.

Finally, gossip is a social interaction that reflects an expanding social order. Someone's reputation can be damaged or preserved via gossip. Being morally upright is crucial to keep in mind when conversing with others. You are speaking for yourself. It matters what you say, do, and how you behave.
-Sapphire ~6/2/23~ (💸) Complete

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