Chapter 5- Wealth and Money

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One of the most eye-catching things about a socialite would be their money. How they're able to buy quality and fashionable pieces with the money they have interests many. Being able to take their friends and colleagues on vacations around the world. Knowing how and what to invest in. These are all luxuries that socialites have access to. Though not all have money.. But you won't be one. You will be rich.

One thing I suggest is having the ability to consult a financial advisor before you make any big moves. Financial advisors are people who have degrees with money and finance. They know the best moves and opportunities. Though they might not have an open mind, they do have one thing google does not. Experience.

Have a plan from now on what you plan to do. How will you get your money? What college do you plan to go to? What would the financial plan for that look like? What scholarships are you eligible for? What is your budget/ money plan? What side job will you have? How much will your jobs pay?

These are all important things you need to know. Having money as a socialite shouldn't be to flaunt your wealth and wasting it on designer (Though that is a common stereotype), it's actually about being smart with your money. Knowing when to use it, what deals and coupons you can use, smart ways to save on your meal plans and save on your time. When you should buy something and from whom...

These are all important things. Remember, the time for flaunting money is at the end of its era. Showing off big yachts and playboy mansions are no longer attractive. In this new day, people want to see genuinity. Flaws, character, variety. You must stand out without money. Money is simply just a cushion. It's comfortable, but it's not the only thing you need to become desired.

Money can bring you to high places, but it can also destroy you. Don't play with people bigger than you, don't do anything shady with your money, stay clear of cults and money pyramids. (When I say cults I mean paying money for certain group services.) Be thorough with background research with any big figures and remember: If you want to play with someone, be careful. You either are born into socalitism, or you're smart enough to pry your way through... that goes for everyone...
-Sapphire ~6/31/23 (💸)~ Complete

The laws of socialitismOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora