It's High up Here.

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"It's recap time!"
Chris laughed.

"For those who got scared off by the warning last episode, let's go over everything me and the team put the contestants though!"

"A trek into an abandoned antarctic research centre lead to many a scare! And, for Y/N and Noah, the occasional heartfelt moment! Cuuuute!"

"However, it was Team Amazon that got out first, giving them the win, and it was Harold, after getting the team lost in the ice, that got sent home from the new team of two, Team Victory!"

"Will the Amazon win streak continue? Will they crack under the pressure? All that and more, right now, on Total Drama WORLD TOOOOOOUR!"


When you woke up, the first thing that hit you was the night sky in the economy class windows.

No one else was awake, your nightmares had decided to lock you out of your subconscious for a while. The images of what happened the day before were still fresh in your mind.

The hum of the plane was white noise for you to sleep to, but it was confirmation that you were actually in flight.
A thought had passed your mind, a sick idea from Chris to not move the plane and leave you stuck on the ice for another challenge.

You would have punched him if he did that.

Everyone else was asleep in economy, you couldn't figure out what time it was. You'd fallen asleep on Owen, but you sat up and decided to pace around for a bit until you were ready to black out again.
Leshawna and Noah were loud snorers, and Owen and Izzy would talk in their sleep, so it wasn't like you could sleep very well in there anyway.

You sighed in relief when you saw the faint oranges of a sunrise catch the clouds that hid the world beneath you, if you couldn't fall asleep again, at least you weren't going to be too tired for tomorrow's challenge.

The cafeteria was quiet and the white noise there was louder, it numbed your mind more.
You could feel your head get heavier as you sat down, and your eyes would close for a bit too long every time you blinked.

You laid your head down on one of the cafeteria tables and felt yourself falling asleep again, finding it significantly easier now that you were on your own for once.

You'd missed the quiet of being alone...

When you woke up you felt a warmth on your skin.

The central heating, the heat from outside, the realisation that you were no longer in Antarctica was the best thing you could have woken up to. Chris didn't play you for a joke.

You kept your eyes shut for a bit, just to take in being awake again, before you heard something shuffle in front of you.

Your head was heavy, but you lifted it up to look in front of you, only to make eye contact with someone.
"Oh darn it, you're not dead."
Izzy huffed, you took it as a compliment though. She had a habit of saying weird things but meaning them in nice ways.

"Not the right thing to say, Izzy. You should be happy they're alive."
There was a raspy voice from behind her, one you couldn't see the owner of because of the hair in your eyes.

You knew the voice though, it was Noah.

Putting pressure on your temples to try to subdue the small headache you had from sleeping so weirdly, you turned to look at him.

His hair was a birds nest, like he'd just woken up, loose strands were falling over his face and he had to push them out of his eyes.

"You look like a mess,"
You chuckled,

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