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Subaru was preoccupied with the thoughts running through his mind as he got out of bed. The reason behind not wanting to go to school was the lack of close connections with the other students around him. He struggled with loneliness during his days at school, doing nothing more than sleeping at his desk. The only thing occupying his mind was this monotonous life that couldn't transcend beyond mediocrity.

His academic situation wasn't uplifting either. He struggled to pass exams even though he didn't leave assignments until the last night. Some topics were challenging to grasp, and he was seeking someone to support him in his learning process but couldn't find anyone. This situation made him feel trapped in a cycle; grappling with a sense of failure but nable to find a way out.

"Life is truly uncertain," he thought. When he started middle school, he hadn't imagined it would be like this. He believed he was talented, but now, he was just a star among millions of others brighter and bigger.

In the early days of middle school, he felt special and talented. However, over time, he began to feel lost among the other students around him. Doubts about the meaning and value of what he was doing started to creep in. Despite seeing himself as different from others, now he had to face reality. Life's coplexity and the process of finding one's own place had surprised him. He felt like a lone star lost in infinite space.

[Congratulations! You've earned a Sponsor.]

Suddenly, a blue screen appeared in front of Subaru, bothering his eyes. He quickly closed it to shut it down. "Am I still spending too much time in front of the computer?" he thought. He tried to pull the blanket over himself again to all back asleep.

The blue light from the computer had bothered his eyes. He knew that spending more time in front of the screen could be harmful, so he wanted to take a break. While trying to go back to sleep, his mind was still preoccupied with the brightness created by that blue screen. Before falling asleep again, he thought that maybe it was time for a break.

Subaru opened his eyes again, but the screen was still there, it hadn't disappeared. "I must be hallucinating," he thought. When he touched the screen, it felt like a real surface.

"What?" he thought to himself. The screen felt real, and when he ran his fingers over it, he felt the touch as if itwere real. It puzzled him to try to make sense of this situation. The solidity and sense of reality from the screen left his mind in a complex state.

Text suddenly filled the screen around Subaru.

[First Mission Begins: Savior of the Valkyrie - The green-haired Valkyrie needs your help, save her.]

It was an unusual situation with these texts suddenly appearing, far from reality.
Subaru's surprise quickly turned to fear; his body began to turn into blue dust all of a sudden. He started screaming in panic: "What's happening?" Yet, his screams slowly faded as his body disintegrated into blue particles.

The blue dust particles started spreading rapidly from his body, turning the room into an extraordinary scene. They expanded towards every corner of the room, creating an inexplicable sight. With each breath he took, they dispersed further, making his presence weaker.

Subaru was left in a state of panic, feeling the fear of losing his existence. The panic and concern he felt combined with the realization that he didn't know what to do in the face of this incomprehensible transformation almost paralyzed him. While closing his eyes and hoping to escape this situation, he was also trying to make sense of this strange and terrifying experience.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a forest, and it was quite dark. It was one of the strangest and scariest moments of his life.

Subaru looked around in bewilderment, murmuring to himself, "It must be a dream." What he experienced didn't feel realistic; screens and events like blue dust were things he'd only seen in anime.

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