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Crusch Karsten sat in the magnificent study of her mansion, carefully assessing the expression of the elderly servant dressed in worn-out attire seated across from her. She sighed and inquired with curiosity, "Nothing was found?"

Wilhelm, in a respectful and composed tone, replied, "Crusch-sama, unfortunately, we couldn't find anyone in any of the four kingdoms who matches your description."

Crusch harbored the desire to find the mysterious person who had saved her after the events. However, despite her efforts, the frustration of not obtaining any results weighed heavily on her. The atmosphere in the room was filled with uncertainty and anticipation.

Crusch carried the restlessness of not being able to resolve her internal turmoil. Finding the mysterious person who had aided her in the past, repaying the debt of gratitude, and putting an end to this uncertainty were her motivations. However, her endeavors were filled with hopelessness and ambiguity.

Breaking the silence, Wilhelm continued, "We conducted research in Kararagi based on the description you provided, but we couldn't find a family or clan with such a sword style."

Deep in thought, Crusch shared her reflections, "Perhaps this person added a unique touch to the sword style you described." This idea seemed to make more sense as it was more challenging to discover a unique style than to unveil a family or clan, as Wilhelm pointed out.

Wilhelm paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and continued, "It's not very likely. Developing a sword style alone takes years. Moreover, adding an element as challenging as wind to it is not something one can learn from scratch at a young age."

Crusch contemplated his words and acknowledged the difficulty, "Yes, that's true. Success in swordsmanship and magic requires not only innate talent at a young age but also proper guidance and opportunities." She said.

Crusch carefully examined the paper containing details about the person she sought. The image of Natsuki Subaru with black hair, orange eyes, and fair skin vividly appeared in her mind. Being no more than 20 years old, wearing black and orange clothes, carrying a sword, and using wind magic were distinctive features that set this person apart. Yet, even these details proved insufficient to locate him.

Silence filled the mansion's study. Despite her disappointment, Crusch recognized the significance of the information on the paper. These limited clues could potentially replace missing pieces. Learning the identity of the person and the reason for their assistance held profound meaning for Crusch. Therefore, despite the letdown, she remained determined in her quest, repeatedly reading the paper in hopes of finding elusive traces.

Wilhelm mentioned, "Crusch-sama, there's another offer from the Hoshin Company. They expressed their intention to share 40% with you." His tone carried uncertainty and an emphasis on awaiting attention.

Crusch frowned, displaying a mild discomfort on her face due to Anastasia's constant proposals. These frequent offers were hindering her determination to find the person who had aided her. She found herself getting lost among such business propositions, questioning her priorities. The complexities of politics and these external factors were diverting Crusch from the primary goal of solving the puzzle: finding the mysterious person.

Her relationship with the Hoshin Company had initially begun with Natsuki's plea for help. Natsuki not only drew attention to his appearance but also presented items left by him to the Hoshin Company's notice.

Before leaving, Natsuki had left behind a special jacket and a bottle of healing water. The jacket was made from a rare and unique fabric. However, the Hoshin Company's main interest lay in the healing water.

They wanted to learn the recipe for the healing water and mass-produce it. However, Crusch vehemently opposed this idea. Especially because this healing water remained a personal gesture left by Natsuki after assisting her. Turning this special gift into mass production seemed unacceptable to her. It wasn't just a commercial commodity; it symbolized the gratitude and help Natsuki had offered.

Crusch was unwilling to compromise Natsuki's position or put him in a difficult situation. The healing water might have represented a special family recipe or a secret tied to his origins.

Despite the significant benefits of the healing water, Crusch was aware of its potential. It could help many people and provide significant benefits. However, turning it into a commercial product felt like a betrayal to the person who had saved her. The gratitude and respect she felt toward him couldn't be measured in terms of commercial gains.

Crusch, considering Natsuki's possible predicament, chose not to commercialize the healing water. For her, the healing water was not just a tool for profit but a symbol of gratitude and a testament to their connection.

After Wilhelm departed for paperwork, Crusch left her office to attend to her duties. Yet, for a moment, Natsuki's cold and emotionless gaze lingered in her mind. The lifelessness in those eyes briefly unsettled her.

However, almost immediately, memories resurfaced. She recalled how lively and exciting Natsuki's eyes had been. This sudden shift surprised Crusch, and she considered it an illusion that needed to be dismissed. Natsuki's coldness followed by liveliness created a contradiction that perplexed her.

Her hands went to her lips, and a faint blush spread across her cheeks. She murmured to herself, "He was truly an interesting person." This short but intense experience had suddenly altered Crusch's thoughts about Natsuki.

The unconventional nature of Natsuki's personality had left an impact on her. Understanding how intriguing someone could be with such contradictions ceased to be a mystery for Crusch. With these thoughts, she felt a determination to learn more about Natsuki and unravel his mystery.

Crusch, contemplating the strategic advantage of gaining Natsuki's support during the upcoming royal selection, considered bringing him into her camp. His unique swordsmanship and the potential impact of his healing water could be advantageous.

Beyond Natsuki's extraordinary abilities, the discovery of this special healing water could have a significant effect during the election process and support Crusch's campaign. The surprising properties of this water could provide solutions for many people, representing a potential advantage for Crusch.

Securing Natsuki's support during the campaign could be a strategic move for Crusch. His diverse abilities and potential advantages could make a crucial difference in the royal selection. Despite the uncertainty of how vital Natsuki might be in terms of election or strategic benefits, Crusch would still consider bringing him along, feeling the debt of gratitude toward him.

Regardless of Natsuki's proficiency in swordsmanship or his unique abilities, Crusch would bring him along due to the debt of gratitude she owed him. Natsuki had saved her at a critical moment, and for that, she owed him her life.

For Crusch, Natsuki's contributions and assistance were not just about his skills but also an expression of gratitude she felt toward him. Therefore, irrespective of how significant Natsuki might be in terms of the royal selection or strategic advantages, Crusch would take him in, acknowledging her gratitude as an indebtedness.


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