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Subaru looked at the unconscious girl in front of him. Despite being injured and dirty, she looked stunning. Her dark green hair and beautiful face stood out amidst the chaos.

However, the girl still seemed to be losing blood. Subaru's medical knowledge was limited, and there wasn't much he could do to help. The only thing he could do was to bandage her wounds and give her his jacket.

In the midst of a battle, in an unknown world, he found himself trying to help this injured girl. Though his abilities were limited, he decided to do the best he could. Bandaging the girl's wounds and offering some assistance was his priority. In that moment, he felt a sense of helplessness and concern, but he had no other option but to help.

A sudden idea flashed into Subaru's mind, influenced by an anime he had watched before. With this thought, his cheeks blushed slightly. It was a simple scene about administering medicine through a method he remembered.

"It was simple: fill the mouth with the medicine, then deliver it to the girl's mouth by kissing her lips," he thought. This method could possibly work in this situation.

Subaru's mind raced with thoughts on how to execute such an action. However, a feeling of embarrassment and unease accompanied the idea of performing this action. Despite feeling a bit awkward, he decided to try this method if it could help the girl recover.

Suddenly, a lightbulb moment occurred in Subaru's mind, and he muttered, "Of course, I can use the The Ruler's Indifference." He decided to activate this ability, and its effects were instant. Emotions vanished from his eyes, and the blush on his cheeks disappeared.

As he filled his mouth with the medicine, Subaru pulled the girl towards him and began kissing her lips. However, he felt no emotion during this kiss. With a detached focus, he moved forward, driven solely by the purpose of healing the girl. The Ruler's Indifference made him act as a tool to achieve his goal, rather than establishing an emotional connection.

While passing the medicine mouth to mouth, Subaru's inner world was empty. Under the influence of the The Ruler's Indifference, he acted with the purpose of accomplishing his goal, devoid of emotional ties. This internal conflict arose because disconnecting from human bonds made him more effective in helping others.

When the girl weakly opened her eyes, she couldn't initially comprehend her surroundings. However, upon realizing that Subaru was approaching and kissing her, she abruptly pushed him away. "Stay away!" she shouted, swiftly reaching for the sword at her waist, only to find it missing.

Subaru took a few steps back, his face devoid of any emotional expression. In a flat tone, he asked, "Are you okay?" The emotionless tone indicated the influence of the The Ruler's Indifference. Despite the girl's sudden reaction and scream, Subaru responded as if the events were merely a task.

The girl, still bewildered, looked at Subaru and asked in a shaky voice, "Who are you? Where am I?" Her eyes held a hint of fear and uncertainty, yet she tried to appear strong.

Subaru, still looking at the girl, suddenly threw a sword towards her feet. The sword went right in front of her. "Seems like you're fine. Take this sword to defend yourself," he said with an emotionless expression. Then, he pointed at a half-filled bottle on the ground. "There's healing potion in that bottle. Use it if you get injured," he added before turning away and walking off.

The girl, still trying to comprehend the situation, picked up the sword. Subaru's emotionless demeanor and sudden advice left her both puzzled and somewhat uneasy. At that moment, she was aware that surviving in this unknown world required her attention, yet the uncertainty and dealing with the unknown were clearly written on her face.

As the girl stood up and said, "Who are you?" with difficulty,

Subaru hesitated for a moment, a slight smirk appearing on his face. Then, turning around, he declared, "I am Natsuki Subaru, the Unhonorable Blade and master of the Zephyr style swordsmanship, or you can call me the wind traveler. The one who will someday become the greatest swordsman." His voice was slightly louder. In the girl's mind, thoughts were swirling to decipher the meaning of this information.

With a smile, he added, "Remember my name, beautiful lady. If the threads of fate weave us together again, we'll meet once more." Then, he disappeared into the forest, running. The girl, still in shock, was trying to fully understand what had just happened.

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