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Elsa suddenly felt something in her stomach and her eyes widened. Quickly looking down, she noticed Subaru's other hand had the empty scabbard pressed against her abdomen. With a sly grin, Subaru exclaimed, "BAMM," and instantly, a gust of wind from the scabbard hurled Elsa against the wall.

At that moment, the others in the room watched in astonishment as Elsa tried to regain her balance on the wall. However, resisting against the wind manipulated by Subaru was challenging. Elsa collided with the wall, the impact kicking up dust around her body.

Prepared for Elsa's sudden attack, Subaru swiftly brought his sword into a defensive stance, taking a step back not just as a retreat but also to gain momentum. Accelerating, he launched a swift and impressive horizontal strike.

Elsa retreated while tracking Subaru's movement, and both continued their onslaught to strike each other. Every clash of their blades and knives produced sparks in the air.

Felt watched the event with a sense of awe. "This is so cool," she murmured. She secretly hoped for Subaru's victory, but the battle was enthralling and mesmerizing to watch. Both sides displayed mesmerizing skill and strategy, leaving the onlookers breathless.

The room transformed into an arena where the clashes and sparks of their weapons echoed around. Each collision was a visual feast, captivating the observers.

Elsa's grin was mixed with determination, and Subaru held a steadfast stance without stepping back. Both were waiting for the opportunity to strike, searching for each other's weaknesses in every move.

Subaru finally created some distance between them, sheathing his sword and assuming a stance. Elsa swiftly closed in on him, continuously launching her attacks against Subaru's sudden stance.

Subaru, with a sudden decision, closed his eyes, and a whisper of wind surrounded him. His sword started to move around him, displaying dazzling speed and grace. Elsa's sword was closing in on Subaru, a critical moment to bring forth Subaru's inner strength.

With a swift motion, Subaru exclaimed, "Gale Blade!" The sword gleamed like a beam of light, and Elsa's head detached from her body, hovering in the air. For a brief moment, silence enveloped the room, with the audience and characters frozen in shock.

Subaru's sudden and powerful move had sent a shockwave through the room. Everyone was stunned, frozen by what they had just witnessed. Calmly, Subaru sheathed his sword, standing with a sense of completion and victory.

Taking a deep breath, Subaru glanced at Rom and then at Elsa's body. "Is there a sack or something similar?" he asked, indicating his intent to make arrangements with the body.

Rom swiftly acted, placing the body into a sack and positioning it behind the shop. Clapping his hands together, Rom declared, "Done," trying to distance himself from the tension of the incident.

Subaru tried to ease the atmosphere in the shop with a smile. "Let's finish up this shopping," he said, attempting to return to normal routines for everyone.

Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing a young man with red hair dressed in white, wielding a sword at his waist. A nostalgic expression appeared on Subaru's face. "You're late, Sir Knight," he said before introducing himself, "This wonderful wanderer, a master of swords, would have settled the matter already," he added.

He thought to himself, "It always happens like this, soldiers or knights never arrive on time." He had experienced such situations frequently in his past.

After that, things seemed to return to a somewhat normal state. Felt returned her badge to Emilia. Reinhard, seeing the badge shining in Felt's hand, asked her a few questions, then promptly knocked her out. Subaru didn't pay much attention to Reinhard's decisive action; Reinhard didn't seem like a bad person.

Reinhard looked at Subaru as if he had remembered something. "Subaru, can you use wind magic?" he asked.

Subaru hesitated for a moment. "Well, I can manage something similar, more like manipulating it than using magic," he replied.

After a brief moment between Reinhard's question and Subaru's response, Reinhard spoke with a slight smile, "So, you really are that person."

Subaru, puzzled, asked, "Who?"

Reinhard replied, "Actually, you should come with me." Seeing Subaru reaching for his sword, Reinhard added, "I have no ill intentions; there's just someone looking for you."

This offer caught Subaru's attention. Reinhard's sincere demeanor and explanations increased his curiosity. Regardless, he had no doubts about Reinhard's intentions, and he didn't want to believe there was an ulterior motive behind this offer. Nevertheless, his curiosity seemed to outweigh any skepticism this time.

Subaru pondered for a moment. Normally, he wouldn't trust such situations quickly, but Reinhard gave off an oddly trustworthy vibe. "Alright, I'm in," he said.

Emilia thanked Subaru for his help and asked him to come to the Roswaal Mansion to receive his reward. Subaru promised to come, and they bid farewell.

Walking alongside Reinhard, Subaru noticed Felt lying unconscious on Reinhard's shoulder.

"Where are we going?" Subaru asked.


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