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Subaru sighed as he exited the market. Looking at his shopping basket filled with sugar and instant meals, he once again noticed his recent inclination towards ready-made foods. He was aware that he needed to give homemade meals a chance.

"Screen," he thought. The blue square screen in front of him indicated his familiarity with this power and how much he had developed these abilities, overcoming initial challenging experiences.

[Endurance: B+]

[Power: A]

[Agility: A-]

[Magic Power: B-]

[Charisma: B]

Statistics mattered significantly. Lately, Subaru had been intensively training to further strengthen these stats, putting significant effort into enhancing both his Magic Power and Agility. After all, these abilities increased his chances of survival.

Staring at the night sky due to the long silence from his sponsor, Subaru felt an involuntary pull. Contemplating the power statistics he had seen just a few hours ago amidst bags filled with sugar and instant meals, he sighed.

Recalling the last message from his sponsor, he murmured, "I don't know who or what you are, but I hope you're doing well." Although he couldn't fully comprehend the entity granting him these powers, a sense of gratitude filled him. This mysterious entity had given Subaru life-altering abilities, and that gratitude might have been his greatest source of strength.

Looking at the night sky and the thoughts drifting among the stars, he felt the weight of stepping into an uncertain future. However, armed with inner strength and determination, he knew he was ready to confront the unknown. The uncertainty was daunting, yet Subaru was prepared to face it.

[Zephyr Blade - (Advanced Mastery)]

The words on the screen formed a slight smirk on Subaru's face. The Zephyr Blade was famous for its mastery over controlled wind essence. This style allowed warriors to utilize the speed, flexibility, and power of the wind for their advantage, making every move feel attuned to nature's rhythm.

Learning to wield the sword not only demanded mastery of a weapon but also the ability to manipulate the energy of the wind. This ability was Subaru's favorite. While mastering the sword was thrilling, controlling the wind added an extra layer of excitement.

Swiftly cutting through the air or effortlessly slicing through a tree—the wonders of using this power fascinated Subaru. Yet, not having encountered a real opponent left him curious. The desire to fully unleash the potential of the Zephyr Blade and showcase this unique ability continued to grow within him.

However, it seemed improbable; the modern world had long forgotten swordsmanship. Moreover, Subaru's screen power placed him in a much stronger position than ordinary people. In a world where sword mastery was outdated, his screen power provided extraordinary advantages.

Subaru sighed and continued on his way, but for a moment, his vision blurred. "I need a break from training," he muttered, feeling the strain from intense workouts and constant power usage.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a bustling market. People were shopping, some human, some resembling creatures. Subaru had stepped into a lively world full of vibrant colors, smiling vendors, and a cacophony of sounds.

"Well, well," he said with a sarcastic tone. Clearly, the Screen had assigned him a new task. The moment he had been waiting for after a month had finally arrived. Although he didn't fully comprehend the task, he sensed the impending challenges with his sword. He knew there was a test ahead, and he believed facing these challenges would further strengthen him.

Hours had passed, and Subaru had entered a narrow alley. "Damn," he muttered. He hadn't found any clues about the mission. He had saved a child from being crushed, reunited a lost girl with her family, yet the mission hadn't appeared on the screen.

With a head full of question marks, Subaru carefully navigated the chaotic streets. The Screen didn't guide him this time, which bothered him. Perhaps this was a test; to see how a true hero could act not just under specific conditions but also amid uncertainty.

"All right then, dear Sponsor," Subaru said, laughing. If they wanted to see something different, he was determined to show them his real power.

Suddenly, a voice shouted, "Hey, you idiot!" Three ruffians appeared at the end of the street. One was tall and slim, another chubby, and the last one a dwarf. "Give us everything you've got, and we'll let you go," said the chubby one.

"Heheh," Subaru chuckled a bit, then burst into laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA," he laughed amidst the uproar. "What was that? So cliché and flat," he spoke between laughs.

The three ruffians looked bewildered. Just then, a girl with blonde hair ran past them. The chubby one seemed bothered by Subaru's laughter and grabbed him. "What's funny, idiot?" he said angrily.

Subaru couldn't stop laughing. "Don't bother trying not to be fun, kids. This scene was really, I mean really boring. Come up with a better act, or don't waste my time," he said in a mocking tone.

"What?" the chubby one

asked, puzzled. Subaru continued to smile, gripping the guy's arm and squeezing. The man winced in pain, but Subaru's mocking expression remained unchanged.

"Because you're nothing more than weak background characters," Subaru declared with a mocking and confident tone. The mix of astonishment and anger in the chubby one's eyes delighted Subaru, signaling the moment he took control of the scene.

Looking at them, Subaru continued to smile. "Ehhh, you're not worth my time," he said. Then he let go of the guy's arm and picked up a wooden stick from the ground.

"I prefer not to see blood, so make do with this," he added. As he lifted the stick, a gust of wind began to blow around him. The sound of the strong wind echoed through the narrow street.

"HASAGI!" Subaru shouted, swinging his stick towards the trio. The three men, caught in the force of the wind, were thrown against the wall like a tornado. Masterfully navigating the powerful wind, Subaru rendered the trio ineffective.

The chubby one, slightly shaken on the ground, and the others similarly sprawled near the wall. Subaru looked at them, smiling as the wind tousled his hair.

"Stop there, villain!" a voice came from the end of the street. When Subaru looked in the direction of the voice, he saw a girl with silver hair and impressive purple eyes. Her white dress perfectly complemented her skin, giving her an imposing appearance.


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