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That's right, fellow users of the internet, I'm not dead. I've just had NO TIME WHATSOEVER to work on this. Why? Well, because I'm a student who has been hit with a bad case of senioritis. Well, at least I got into my top college and I have a job (the schedule is so bad that i want to quit right fucking now). Anyways, writer's block seems to be a symptom of the dreaded senioritis, but now that it's winter break, I'm (hopefully) over it.

There's a chapter currently in the works and I have no idea when it'll be out since life is a fucking hassle. Also I've kinda shifted away from the MHA fandom, but I'm still writing this thing because it's funny (and a good procrastination tactic for some other shit i've been writing, namely an original story with original characters, ooh).

Also, should I post the legit "Deku Moves To America and Hijinks Ensue" fic? It's not finished yet, but if we're going by the 3-act structure of literature, I'm probably at Plot Point 2 or the midpoint right now. Hopefully I can get this ending sorted out.

Take care of yourself and others,
- 500 Moths in a Trenchcoat

American Deku Be Like... (satire)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz