a/n: hey thanks for 2k reads

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seriously how in the fuck did this flaming dumpster fire of a book manage to get TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE READING IT (this is positive by the way, thanks a million)

i honestly appreciate the fact that you guys actually took time out of your lives to read my needlessly cruel satire of what's probably some random teenager's power fantasy/fetish that people took and have been running with for the past 4 years or so.
also, comments are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED AND APPRECIATED. you can be as mean as you want about this story, i purposely wrote this to be low-quality sludge in comparison to what i usually write. if you have a thought on this book, tell me. i might or might not respond but notifications make the dopamine go WHEEEEE.

and yes, i do have ideas for future, possibly including:

1: truth or dare/never have i ever (this is probably gonna be one of two scenes where someone else dies)
2: the obligatory fight between 2-a vs the misfits (spoiler alert: the misfits win and this is the other scene where someone might die)
3: someone else ending up kicking the bucket (probably either uraraka or iida [it's gonna hurt since i love both of them])
4: The Long-Awaited Sex Scene Written By The Asexual Sex-Repulsed Author Who Will Not Take It At All Seriously (Which Is To Say I Will Be Interrupting It With Snarky Comments And Riffs Every Few Sentences Or So, You Have Been Warned) (by Will Wood and the Tapeworms)
5: some kind of mpreg subplot, you have been warned
6: deku being a parent despite me writing him as an 80s high school bully multiplied by a comically large number (which is to say he should not be trusted around kids, also he is 16 which is not old enough to be a parent at all)
7: mafia subplot because somehow that's a recurring theme in these books (they're gonna be called the crows and i will be making lots of mystery science theater 3000 references so brush up on that knowledge)
8: the obligatory instagram chapter

also i still have no schedule for this thing (since it honestly doesn't deserve that luxury) so the next chapter comes out when it comes out. sorry for the inconsistency.

ALSO also i have a SERIOUS "deku goes to america and stuff happens" book which i put ACTUAL EFFORT into writing. it's in my drafts right now and i have like 16 fully written chapters. if you want it published, just say the word. and unlike this book, deku isn't horribly out of character (at least i hope he isn't, i tried to write him pretty close to canon) and the ocs aren't entirely 2-dimensional. and there's only like 5 of them who are important to the plot.

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