Labrinth creation begin part 1

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As the team finally decided to turn the plan into fruition...

You might think Rimuru is going to create a labyrinth similar to the one in his world, right? No, that's not what he's going to do.

"So, Rimuru, let's start with your reckless plan," *cough* *cough* "Your plan is to create this labyrinth but also fill it with different types of spatial spirits and combine them to form an additional dimension? Why though?" Ramiris asked in confusion.

"Hmm, it's a simple thing, actually. Since Veldora is the embodiment of chaotic space and storm, we don't need another spirit if he's in the labyrinth. But, you see, he's not going to become like that. So, you must summon a spatial spirit. Well, it must be a higher-tier spirit, as some spirits can't be contained in imaginary matter, as imaginary matter is more tangible than spirits by nature. Well, you already know that, as a semi-spiritual world, its imaginary matter has less influence on the curvature of space-time," Rimuru said.

"Gah! I understand, but isn't Olivia already able to do that? I mean, theoretically, she's the embodiment of the end. Even though she doesn't look like one, can't you ask her to become the floor boss? As she must have a greater affinity over space than spirits, right?" Ramiris said, still annoyed.

You see, after Olivia arrived, she caused so many disturbances in the space-time continuum, even affecting the frequency of some space-time.

"Well, you're the one complaining about her conceptual type, so that's why I asked you to summon a spatial spirit. We need the hidden possibilities of gifts, you see. We need more than a countless amount of subspace and wormholes with small book on size or chest appearances,

Now, when it comes to the space in each floor structure, we're aiming for a structure akin to calculative space. It provides you a comprehensive mathematical framework for our labyrinth, ensuring complex vector spaces, inner products, and completeness." rimuru said

"How do we separate the space-time continuum with different time frames within this structure?" Ramiris annoyed

Rimuru explained, "We incorporate a multi-layered temporal aspect within the each floor structure. Each layer corresponds to a different time frame, ensuring that the labyrinth exists simultaneously across various temporal dimensions, preventing interference and maintaining stability well you already know today or tomorrow win need to seperate ivarage in different location all together which devoid of space time hmn I think it also help to filter ivarage still lingering evil aura as not to corrupt less willed monster in floor.." Rimuru said

She nodded, satisfied with the plan unfolding before her.

"There is one more thing I forgot to mention. Each floor of the labyrinth is not only connected to a different temporal dimension, but also to a different mathematical structure. This means that each floor has its own set of physical laws and constants, which may differ drastically from ours. For example, one floor may have a higher dimensionality, another may have a different geometry, and another may have a different logic.."Rimuru smiled and said

, "Wow, that sounds amazing! But how do you control such a complex system? How do you ensure that the floors are compatible with each other and with us?"Ramiris gasped

"I don't. I just let the spatial spirit do its thing. I will give it a ultimate gift called 'Mathematical Omniscience', which allows it to comprehend and manipulate any mathematical structure. It can create, modify, and delete any floor at will, according to its own whims and preferences. It can also adjust the parameters and conditions of each floor to make them suitable for us, or not, depending on its mood. It is the ultimate master of the labyrinth, and the guest  are its toys, depending on how you look at it." Rimuru shrugged and said,

"That sounds scary! What if it decides to trap the humans in a floor where they can't escape, or where we die instantly, or where we go insane?"Ramiris shivered and said,

, "Don't worry, it won't do that. It likes us, in its own way. It is curious about us, and wants to see how we react to different situations. It is also bored, and wants to have some fun. It is not malicious, just playful. It is like a child, with a very powerful toy. As long as we entertain it, and don't anger it, they should be fine."Rimuru chuckled and said

, "I hope you're right. But I still think this is a reckless plan. You're playing with fire, Rimuru. You're playing with the multiverse."Ramiris sighed and said

Then ramiris do what rimuru told , well lucky enough she is now in her adult self because veldanava change her nature from pixie to queen of spirits so its easy to do for her now currently..

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