Chapter 18

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Snape stared for a moment in abject horror as the two boys in his care rolled around on the floor in a tangled mess of long arms and legs, each attempting to throw punches and rib jabs while avoiding being hit themselves.

The fight, if one could even call it that considering neither of the teenagers was particularly well versed in muggle fist fighting, came to a halt when Snape reached down and grabbed a collar in each hand. One below messy black hair and the other below silver-white. He pulled the two boys apart easily, then quickly let go of their collars to get between them and put a firm hand on each of their chests. Though they were still hurling insults at each other, now they could no longer reach across Snape to land any more blows.

"That is quite enough!" He snapped, glaring evenly at each of them in turn. "I am absolutely appalled at both of you!"

"He started it!" Draco shouted, struggling against Snape's hold.

"I'll bloody well finish it, too!" Harry shot back angrily.

"I'm finishing it!" Snape marched them over to the couch and unceremoniously pushed them down into opposite ends of it before standing in front of them with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He glared down at Harry first, who crossed his own arms and refused to meet his gaze.

"You knew better, young man," he scolded. "Did we not, on several occasions, have conversations about how you were to behave while Draco was here?"

Harry looked over to see Draco smirking and felt an intense urge to tackle him once more. "But, Snape, he-"

"Answer me, Potter?" Snape demanded, his voice low in the way that Harry knew that he wasn't going to put up with much more.

Harry sighed. "Yes, sir." He answered quietly, lowering his eyes to his knees so that he wouldn't have to look at Snape or see the smug look on Malfoy's face. He had known all along that this was how it would be. He would be in trouble for everything and Malfoy would be Snape's favorite, just like always.

"And you," Snape said sternly and Harry glanced up just in time to see the smile drop from Malfoy's face as Snape pinned him with an icy stare. "When has it ever been acceptable for you to behave in a manner so unbefitting to a young man of your stature? Certainly, you wouldn't behave that way at home?"

Harry watched as Malfoy swallowed hard and shook his head.

"Never, Uncle Severus."

Snape hummed in thought before saying, "Let us be glad that your father was not here to witness such an abysmal scene." Malfoy dropped his head and nodded.

"Now," Snape started as he continued to glare down at them as if they were in class and they had just mucked up a first-year potion, "I am perfectly aware that this situation is not ideal for any of us and I understand that the two of you do not get along." Harry tried hard not to tune out his professor as he began with the same speech that he had been giving Harry over and over again since the first time he had told him that Malfoy would be coming. "However, I expect you to at least act civil to each other. I will not put up with any fighting or arguing between you. Is that understood?"

Both boys gave a grudgingly "Yes, sir", but only because they knew Snape wouldn't let them go until they had. Neither of them meant it and they both knew it.

Snape nodded, getting down to business, "Alright. Now, I suppose neither of you looks any worse for wear despite your attempts to pummel each other. Draco, you could use a bruise cream on your cheek so we'll get that upstairs when we get you settled in. Potter," he said turning his attention to Harry, "you look okay but are you hurt anywhere that I can't see?"

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