Chapter 53

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Harry, Hermione, and Draco fell through the hidden passageway underneath the Whomping Willow only a few minutes after they had watched Ron being dragged down by the Grim.

Hermione looked around after they lit their wands and shuddered. "Where do you think we are?" she asked, moving closer to stand by Harry's side.

"I've got an idea, but I really hope I'm wrong," whispered.

As they began their descent, Draco said, "Yeah, well, wherever we're going, Uncle Severus is going to kill us when he finds out."

Harry groaned. "It doesn't matter. We have to help Ron."

And so they went, farther and farther down the passage until they reached the end of a long hallway where a door stood part way open. They could hear noises coming from inside.

Harry eased the door open. When he saw Ron sitting in the corner of the room, holding Scabbers tightly to his chest, he pushed the door open completely and rushed inside. Hermione and Draco were right behind him.

"Ron! Are you okay?"

"Harry, behind you! It's Sirius Black! He's an animagus!" Ron yelled as he pointed to a spot behind the others.

Harry whirled around to see a haggard looking man in gray rags, with matted, dark hair hanging past his shoulders and in his face. He had a scraggly beard that appeared just as matted as his hair. His eyes were dull and sunken and his cheekbones stood out sharply against his pale skin.

Harry had no doubt that this was the man whose picture he had seen plastered everywhere all year: Sirius Black.

Suddenly, Hermione stood in front of Harry. "If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill me too."

Ron and Draco also moved in front of him, though Harry could tell that it pained Ron greatly. There was blood dripping onto the floor from where his leg had been torn open by the dog's teeth.

"Us too," Ron agreed while Draco nodded, pointing his wand towards Black.

"That won't be necessary," Black said coldly. "I only have intentions of killing one tonight."

Harry shoved past them and launched himself at Black. "Not if I kill you first!" he screamed.

Harry knocked Black to the ground and was on top of him with his wand pointing at his throat in a matter of seconds. But Black only began to laugh. A cold, maniacal laugh that caused Harry to pause.

In the next moment, the door burst open and Harry heard, " Expelliarmus ," before his wand was thrown from his hand.

Harry jumped up to see Remus and Snape standing in the doorway. Harry's wand was caught easily by Snape, who looked more murderous than Harry had ever seen him. The children stepped back as Remus moved to Sirius, his wand raised.

"Well, well, Sirius. Looking a bit ragged, aren't you? Finally, it seems like the flesh reflects the madness within."

"You'd know all about that wouldn't you, Remus?" Black countered quickly.

Remus's eyes narrowed and he looked first to Snape, and then back down to where Black still lay on the floor. Remus nodded, then he held a hand out for Black to take.

Black took his hand and pulled himself up. But before Harry could even process what was happening, Remus smiled and put his arms around Black, bringing him in for a tight hug.

"No!" Harry exclaimed.

Remus ignored him but let go of Black. "Where is he, Sirius?"

Snape was the only one who didn't look shocked. He kept his wand out though as he moved to stand in front of the four teenagers.

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