Chapter 20

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"I knew you took it!" Draco snapped, looking from the ring, over to Harry.

"Quiet, Draco," Snape said sharply, though he kept his eyes firmly on Harry.

"I didn't take it." Harry could feel his hands shaking and he balled them into fists at his sides.

"How did it get in here?" Snape asked, taking a step towards Harry and yet still leaving enough space between them that Harry wouldn't feel crowded by his presence. "Potter, if you didn't take it, then how do you explain it being here, hidden under your things?"

"I-I don't know, Snape!" Harry wanted, needed, Snape to believe him but he had no idea how the ring could have gotten there. "He probably planted it there!"

The frown on Snape's face deepened and Harry immediately recognized it as disappointment.

"No, I didn't! Just admit it, Potter, you stole it!"

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry shouted at the other boy.

"Potter, why would he do that?"

Harry stared at Snape as if he had just asked the most ridiculous question.

"To get me in trouble!" Harry stalked across the room and dropped down on the new, smaller bed. "What about Jenka?" He asked suddenly. "She sees everything, right? She would know. Just ask her, Snape."

"A house-elf?" Draco spat, "You're going to take the word of a house-elf?"

"I'd take hers over yours any day, Malfoy!" Harry glared at him then turned back to Snape. "Please, Snape, just ask her."

Snape sighed but gave a short nod. "Jenka?" He called softly.

The small elf popped into the room but as she twisted the hem of the sheet she wore, glancing between the three wizards with a worried expression, Harry knew that calling her hadn't been the best idea.

"Y-yes, Master Snape, sir."

"Jenka," Snape started, and he crouched down so that he was eye level with her, ignoring the way that Draco sneered at him from behind. "Did you see who took Draco's ring this morning?"

Tears welled in the elf's overly large eyes. "No, Master Snape, sir. Jenka did not. Jenka was at Hogwarts this morning and she didn't return until breakfast. Jenka is sorry, sir!"

"It's alright, Jenka!" Harry said suddenly. He couldn't bear to see the elf so upset and he regretted ever putting her in this position.

Snape nodded. "Yes, Jenka. It's quite alright."

"I told you-" Draco started but Snape cut him off.

"Go and get ready for bed, Draco."

"But-" Draco protested immediately.

"Now!" Snape barely turned to look in his direction as he growled the word before turning back to Jenka.

Draco stomped off in a huff and barely resisted slamming the door behind him. A moment later they heard the water come on.

"Thank you, Jenka. You may go." Jenka gave one last look at Harry before disappearing. Snape sighed and stood back up, walking over to stand in front of Harry with his arms crossed. Harry didn't look up but glared down at the floor instead.

"I want to believe you." Snape started, his voice quiet.

"Then do it," Harry said, anger coating his own voice.

Snape shook his head. "Are you afraid that you will be in more trouble if you admit to taking it?" Harry rolled his eyes but said nothing. "Because I assure you, Potter, you will not be. If you tell me now that you took that ring, whatever your reasoning for it was, I will have you apologize to Draco and you will spend tomorrow in your room." Harry grit his teeth and crossed his own arms over his chest, still not even looking up at the man.

As Potter is to SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now