Chapter 45

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"Back?" Harry asked as innocently as possible.

"Yes, back," Snape said, his tone sharp. "I've just had a rather interesting conversation with Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, and the three of them seem to be under the impression that they saw you in Hogsmeade. Or rather, they claim to have seen your head. Would you like to tell me how it would be possible for them to see your head in Hogsmeade when your head doesn't have permission to be in Hogsmeade?"

Harry swallowed hard but he hadn't come this far just to give himself up now.

"I dunno. I've been here. I was with you this morning."

"So Draco is just making up lies, is he?"

"Well it wouldn't be the first time, would it?" Harry shot back.

"Harry." Snape crossed his arms and glared down at him.

"I'm not lying. I've been—"

"What's that in your pocket?" Snape asked suddenly, pointing to the edge of the map that he could see sticking out of the pocket of his sweatshirt.

Harry pulled it out. "It's just some extra parchment."

"And you've taken to carrying around parchment with you at all times now, have you?"

"Hello, all." Snape and Harry both turned to see Remus walking towards them. "Are you having a meeting in the corridors?" he asked with a laugh, his eyes twinkling nearly as much as Dumbledore's.

"Hardly," Snape replied sourly. "I've just caught Harry sneaking around. Apparently, he was seen in Hogsmeade a little while ago."

Remus's eyes flashed to Harry and down to the map in his hands. For a second, Harry thought he saw his jaw clench, but it quickly passed as Remus turned to Snape. "Nonsense, Severus. Harry couldn't have been in Hogsmeade."

"And just why is that?" Snape asked.

Remus gave a half-glance in Harry's direction and Harry wisely stayed silent, wondering what Remus was going to say.

"Because he's been with me. We've been going over his vampire essay for the last hour. I sent Harry up to get his book so that I could show him where to make changes. I only came looking for him because he'd been gone for so long, but now I see why." Remus laughed. "Give the boy a break, Sev. He's not always up to mischief."

Snape didn't look like he believed Remus at all, though he didn't question him about it. Instead, he turned back to Harry. "Is this true?"

"Yes," Harry lied immediately.

Snape sighed. "Go inside and get your book." Harry turned to do as he was told but before he could say the password to the Fat Lady, Snape spoke again, "Harry?"

Harry looked back. "Yes, sir?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have accused you."

Harry's stomach dropped at the words and he quickly nodded before turning and climbing through the portrait hole.


He took longer to grab his book than he needed to, but he thought it would be best to give Remus some time to calm down. He wasn't sure how, but Remus knew the truth. He knew that Harry had snuck out and even though he had covered up for him, Harry didn't think he was just going to let this go.

When he did come back out, he found Ron standing next to Remus, his head bowed low. Harry didn't think this could get much worse.

"Remus, I—"

"I don't want to hear it," Remus said shortly. He motioned for them to follow him and they did. He led them to the nearest empty classroom and shut the door firmly behind them. "Give me the map, Harry."

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