Chapter 49

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Peeves had indeed gone straight to Dumbledore to inform him that two of his professors had just been in a fight. The poltergeist seemed only too pleased to deliver the news, and he would have happily followed along after Albus and Minerva if Albus hadn't sent him away with strict orders to tell no one else what had happened. Visibly deflated, Peeves zoomed away to cause mischief elsewhere.

When they arrived through the floo into Remus's parlor, they found Severus and Remus both sitting in the kitchen at the table. Harry and Draco had both perched themselves onto the counter and Filch was hovering uncertainly near the door.

Both brothers looked up and then quickly away from the stern expressions that their parents wore.

"Good evening, Argus," Albus said with a calm that he didn't feel. "Thank you for staying, but I think under the circumstances, the boys' detention can be considered served, don't you?"

Filch stammered for a moment, probably at the injustice of Harry and Draco getting out of a well-deserved detention, but then he simply nodded. "Of course, Headmaster. I'll be on my way then."

"Have a good night, Argus." Albus smiled pleasantly and ushered him to the door with a hand on his shoulder. "And I'm sure you know that I would appreciate it if you kept what happened here from getting out. We certainly don't need the entire school to know that teachers were fighting amongst themselves."

"Oh. Oh! Yes, yes, of course, Headmaster. You have my word!"

Albus smiled, though he wasn't quite sure that he believed him. "Thank you, Argus."

When Filch left the room, Albus turned around and his expression turned stony.

"Of all the ridiculous, appalling behavior!"

Neither Harry nor Draco had ever witnessed the Headmaster so angry and they both exchanged a look before shrinking back in their respective spots on the countertop.

"What could you have possibly been thinking?! Fighting! With each other no less!"

"Albus," Minerva said quietly, placing her hand on her husband's arm, "perhaps you should take a moment to calm down. Let's hear them out."

This was surprising only because Minerva was normally the one who would need a moment to calm down when they were younger. Albus was by far the more tolerant and understanding parent. But fighting, especially fighting each other, was one thing that Albus Dumbledore would not tolerate.

Behind her, she heard Harry scoff and turned to face him. "Harry."

"What is there to hear out?" he asked as he hopped down from the counter and pointed at Severus. "I thought fighting didn't solve anything, Dad? That's what you told me and Draco yesterday before you gave us detention for it! I guess the rules are different for adults."

Severus looked up at Harry and when he saw how upset Harry was, he sighed. "It doesn't. And the rules aren't different because we're adults."

Draco shook his head and said sourly, "Yeah, well, I bet no one's going to give you detention."

Beside Severus, Remus groaned and dropped his head into his hand, before realizing how badly that hurt on his already bruised face and sitting up straight once more.

"Maybe we should take this to my quarters," Severus offered. "That way the children don't have to be here and I can get potions from my lab."

This had the immediate effect of angering both teenagers in the room.

"We're not children!" exclaimed Draco.

"You can't just send us away!" added Harry who crossed his arms over his chest and glared at his father. "I think we should get to hear what happens. We're the ones who found you fighting in the first place!"

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