Chapter 47

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"Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy," Snape called out to the two boys as the rest of his class were leaving. "Stay behind a moment, please."

Ron and Draco stopped and turned back towards him, but he held up a hand for them to wait while he walked over to Evelyn who was now standing as she gathered her things. "Ms. Bouchard," Snape said quietly, "were you planning to speak to Harry first?"

"Yes, I was," she answered. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I could use your office. That way you could teach your next class. Harry and I should be done by the time you are."

Snape nodded. "Of course." He looked over at Harry who still sat at the table he'd shared with Ron and motioned for him to join them. "Harry," he said once he was beside him, "take Ms. Bouchard to my office. The two of you can talk there and I'll see you when you're done. I'm going to have Mr. Weasley let Professor Lupin know."

Harry looked as if that were the last thing he wanted to do but he simply nodded his head and led the way past Ron and Draco out the door.

Once they were gone, Snape spoke to Ron. "Let Professor Lupin know that Harry will miss his class today and ask him to give you any work that he needs to get done. You'll see Harry at History of Magic and can give it to him then."

"Yes, sir," Ron agreed at once.

"Good. You may go then. Straight there, Mr. Weasley, and inform him that Mr. Malfoy will be along in just a moment."

Ron nodded and left, in a hurry to be away from the tension in the room.

Snape eyed Draco for a long moment, as if the answers to his questions would appear out of thin air if he looked at him long enough. Draco seemed more pale than usual. There were the beginnings of dark circles under his eyes and his hair was disheveled. Though it could have been messed up during the fight, Snape didn't think so. If he had to guess, he would say that Draco looked as if he hadn't slept well in days and Snape desperately wanted to know why.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on with you?"

Draco shook his head. "It's nothing. I'm fine."

He wasn't though, and Snape knew it. But as much as he wanted to get Draco to talk to him, Snape knew better than to push him when he wasn't ready. It would only cause him to retreat further into himself.

Snape crossed his arms and held in a sigh as he looked sternly down at him. "Alright, then, detention is at seven tonight. In my parlor. Do not be late."

Draco looked up. "Your quarters? But aren't we really—"

"In trouble?" Snape finished for him. "You most certainly are."

Draco visibly deflated. "Uncle Severus, I'm—"

"We'll talk about it later. And I expect you to have a better answer than that you were angry, Draco."

Draco ducked his head and nodded to the floor. "Yes, sir."

Snape put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, and much like Harry had done, Draco seemed to melt into the touch.

"Go on then," Snape said rather softly. "Get to class and I'll see you later."

Snape watched Draco leave and then took a moment to rub his hand on the back of his neck, feeling the tension that seemed to always be settled there. It had already been such a long morning and he had a feeling that the rest of his day wouldn't be much better.


Harry led Evelyn down the hall to Snape's office and opened the door easily, before stepping aside so that she could go in ahead of him.

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