The beautiful people

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    I sat at my desk writing on the next incident report as the guy trembled on the opposite side leaning as far back as he could and not making eye contact; as i typed away on my computer i gave him a glance my eyebrows furrowed and tongue playing with my cheek as i thought for a moment before speaking 

  "so let me get this straight you had the biggest gang leader in your hands and you just.. let him slip?" i folded my hands together his gazed stayed on the floor 

"LOOK AT ME DAMN IT!" i slammed my hand down onto the desk making the guy startle and look up at me as he squeaked out a reply 

"y-yes ma'am i- i didn't mean to but h-he uh" 

"SPIT IT OUT! AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A MEMEBER OF OUR GROUP LOOK AT YOU CANT EVEN HANDLE ME YELLING AT YOU HOW FUCKING PATHETIC!" he looked down at the floor as the door clicked open and my boss walked in with a group of guys behind him; as my anger grew at the man in the seat i didn't hesitate grabbing my pistol a dan wesson and pointing it at his head, he now fell out of his seat rubbing his hands together and pleading with whimpers not able to get a word out; the bullet left the chamber with a loud bang and the squelching of his blood and brain matter now decorating my office floor my boss cleared his throat as he fixed his suit jacket.

"Adelaide you have some guest id like you to meet you will be working with them for a while i need to go on a business trip in italy" i sat down and hummed before printing off the paper and grabbing a stamp and placing it firmly on the paper and lifted it back up displaying the words 


in bright red letters before slipping it into the mans folder i pressed a button on my desk and a shaky voice answered 

"yes miss vancore?"

"have the cleaning crew come up my office has become riddled with filth" 

"yes miss vancore right away" 

i sat back in my chair and waved the men in they all took a seat not minding the now dead body on the floor in front of them i let my arms rest on the arms of my office chair my right hand tucked slightly under my chin as i quirked an eyebrow at them 

"name?" i asked 

"tokio hotel" the one with long blonde hair spoke his german accent showed despite the look on his face his voice was as if an angel graced my ears i opened my cabinet scanning amongst the T's before i grabbed their thick packet i placed it on my desk and opened it before closing it once more i looked up at them they all looked shocked at the folder 

"well speak what's the mission" i locked eyes with one with thin long matts in his hair a black ring adorned his lip a tight long sleeved shirt on defined his figure along with deep grey sweats he had a playful smirk on his lips taking in notice that i had looked at him my face remained cold

"we are hunting down the drug lord raymond chavez the only issue is every one of his men know us as a target we need a new face and heard you are the best in the game" he spoke staring me straight in the eyes a gesture i enjoyed confidence was key for me i looked at the rest of them this one had his hair pushed black in a dark brown gelled look while the other and the last one with short blonde hair and black framed glasses resting on his nose 

"any information on this so called drug lord?" i questioned 

"you just had all that information on us but not him?" the cocky one spoke tom kaulitz my tongue flicked over my bottom lip quickly before i spoke 

"i have information on everybody you can think of in our world but i want to see how much you yourself know this is your mission you should know everything front to back before coming to me once you can do that you can reach me through my assistant outside i don't have time to fuck around and find out and i have a reputation to uphold and will not have it tarnished by 4 fuck wits who think they can just stroll in to my office and zoom right past the fact you cant even tell me a single word besides the mans occupation and name" i hissed as the cleaners came through the door removing the body the boys once again looked shocked but now at my outburst i waved my hand at them 

"get what you can and come back tomorrow and it better be well written before it is placed on my desk or else you can kiss the partnership goodbye and even possibly end up like the man my crew just cleaned up understand?" i spoke firmly linking my fingers together and resting my arms on the desk leaning in they all nodded besides Tom who scanned my figure his eyes locking back up with my eyes and he let his tongue play with his lip ring before they all stood up and left closing the door behind them  

AdelaideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang