Marlin the clownfish

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That morning i sat and watched the cameras of the marlin hotel and sipped on my coffee i flicked through the different positions and hidden corners just to catch anything i could i wrote down notes of what i thought would be useful later and also mapped out every possible exist on a map of the blueprints of the hotel i heard a knock on the door 

"come in" i called tom strutted in and took a seat on the desk looking at all the works i had laying about 

"wow you don't miss a whole lot do you?" he asked eyebrows raised with impressive expression 

"the last thing i want is to be caught hurt or dead planning out these details and looking is what helps with that" i explained my eyes stayed glued to the screen as my eyes focused on something i watched as two men walked up to a wall and look around before sliding a piece of the wall of and going in just to close it again  i rewinded it again and watched again i zoomed in taking note of the picture that was right beside the  man on the right a simple oil painting of a boat on the water with a patched up sail i looked up at tom finally letting my eyes rest from the small screen 

"got anything? any updates?" i asked he hummed for a moment 

before pulling out his phone and sliding it over to me i looked down at it examining a very clear picture of our target yelling at one of the hotel workers 

"alright that places him in the exact hotel we thought he would be at and i have the exact map out all we have left to figure out is if hes in the exact room that we think hes in otherwise we will have to lure him out and i dont want to have to do that with how large he is id rather do this with as less people as possible we dont need a lot of attention on this mission" i looked up to tom staring at me i raised an eyebrow and he laughed a bit letting out a smile unlike his usual smirk

"what is it kaulitz?" i asked but he didnt reply instead he grabbed his phone and walked out of the office leaving me by myself in disbelief but that quickly faded as i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket i took it out and looked at the contact before answering 

"adelaideeeee" I heard my bosses voice sing song through 

"sir?" i asked his background was noisy 

"how is working with tokio hotel going?" he sort of shouted 

"its going well we are on our next assignment as we speak" i replied 

"oh well uh cant get anything past you thats for sure!" he laughed nervously 

"i am your best person on the team sir for that exact reason" i replied curiously 

"oh yes of course of course anyways listen ill call you in a few more days no need to check in!" before i could say anything i heard the ending tone and pulled the phone away from my ear i blinked for a second before placing the phone back in my pocket right on time as a very excited blonde head popped through my door 

"laide i brought cookies and some pasta i just made you should totally try it its going to blow your mind away!" bill squealed as he set it in front of me clasping his hands together in excitement i smiled at how excitable and adorable he is i grabbed the fork and dug into the pasta and hummed at out good it is

"bill this is amazing thank you!" i kept taking bites of the delicious food and once i was done with the pasta i grabbed a cookie and it tasted just as good bill clapped his hands together clearly proud of his work before he took a seat 

"so how is everything going we haven't seen you all day!" 

"well i got the place mapped out and ive been looking at the cameras all day and taking notes of all the schedules tanks to georg and gustav getting into the hotels security system all we really need is to make a plan and then we should be set to go forward with the plans" i pulled out the map so it laid flush against the desk and started showing him everything 

"you see this is the penthouse once we confirm hes there there is only one way to enter but there's at least 20 to get out of" i pointed to the places that i was describing he nodded as i spoke almost as if he was piecing everything together into his mind

"i feel like there is something missing we should probably question them one more time before we fully jump into the plan i will let the others know and we can go down tonight i don't want to set off the vibes that the day is having so far" i nodded in agreement with bill 

"well im going to go talk to them then thank you for trying my food ill text you once we have everything in order you should get some rest you have been working hard lately don't want you tired for the fun later" 

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