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 my phone buzzed with a text message waking me up from my peaceful nap 

"they are ready"~bill 

i sighed and stretched putting my phone in my pocket and started heading down the stairs once i opened the door to the basement i could hear the crying of the fiancee and the occasional sound of a fist hitting flesh i popped open the door only for a body to collide into mine and thud to the floor  i looked down to see her tears all over her red face i clicked my tongue rolling my eyes and shutting the door behind me i picked her up by the arm and dragged her back over to the area where her fiance was she hit the floor with a sickening thud this time as she yelped when her body met the cold floor   

"that was really cute sweetheart but did you forget there's more than 4 people in this place? did you really think you would make it far?" i hummed i stood up fully 

"i just have a few more questions for your fiance here and if you want to live i highly suggest he answers every single one of them" i looked over at him 

"now i suggest you tell me everything you know and i mean everything about that hotel room"

he looked at me through bruised eyes blood slowly dripping from his mouth and his breathing raspy 

"i don't know much more just that he's there at that hotel and that they are making a trade tonight i don't know with who he wouldn't tell me" i nodded and hummed clicking my tongue i looked over at the boys tom moved forward and kicked him hard in the chest as he fell backwards in the chair his fiancee screamed out in terror as his almost lifeless body hit the ground i pulled out a gun and put a bullet through her head and her body hit the ground beside him i placed it back into my waistband and turned to the boys 

"well you heard the man we go tonight this is our opportunity dont fuck it up" i walked up the stairs and to my room i sat at the desk and reviewed the camera footage one more time i closed the laptop and headed to my room and stripped my clothes off the door swung open revealing tom who paused for a moment before he closed the door behind him as he came closer to me i grabbed a pair of black cargo pants slipping them on and grabbing a black white tank top and putting it on i slipped on a bullet proof vest on over it and then a black hoodie as well and then slipped on my black steel toe combat boots on i pulled my hair back into a ponytail and a black baseball cap on i turned to tom whos eyes never left me 

 "this can turn messy quick i need all hands available and to go over the plan one more time before we do this i can lose anybody" i looked him dead in his eyes he hummed and nodded his head i put a couple holsters on my left thigh placed a pistol and a couple knives in them i slipped a knife in my boot one in my hoodie sleeve and one in my waistband  he walked over to me and tied my hoodie strings together i could smell his cologne and cigarettes as if it was a second skin on him 

"don't want you getting caught up in anything while we fight" he spoke

 he turned and walked out of the room as i stood there confused before following him out and into the office the boys were waiting around the desk i sat in the chair and placed the blueprints on the desk i started to point at the entrance and then the exits

 "we got an entry point here but after that there's many exists i want to push him down if we can't get him in the penthouse keep him away from the roof he's going to have 50 plus guards compared to the 5 of us i want to keep this as clean and tidy as possible and in and out if we can try not to engage unless its the target i want a group of two for each one i will go by myself but meet up with you in the middle bill and gustav take the east side and go up the stairs the elevators will have guards in them and lets face it they will know you in a heart beat tom and georg take the emergency exit it will attract and civilians to there due to the alarm and distract the guards with the chaos gustav before we head in cut the security as soon as that emergency door is set off if there's any chance he's got the security cams it will make it look like an accident and keep the target in his place any questions?" i asked

they shook their heads as they scanned the map over and over 

"okay get packed up and lets roll out i want heavy duty vehicles just incase a fire fight starts stay alive don't get killed trying to be the hero i want me dead over you if anything" they all looked at me with shock 

"well get a move on" they all walked out as i lit up a cigarette inhaling the burning smoke before blowing it back out in a sigh i walked out of the house and got into one of the three cars and we pulled off to the hotel when we arrived i watched as tom and georg headed off to the back flashing lights came from the inside and i seen gustavs thumb go up and we all left out vehicles and headed inside me from the front and the boys from the left. 

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