can you hear me?

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 I headed over to my room and went inside it was a gorgeous large size room that looked out into the woods i smiled at how beautiful it is i walked over to the bed looking at the white and moss colored sheets and blankets and the walked over to the large windows looking out i watched a doe and her fawn picked at some branches and then slowly walked into the forest it made me think of my dad 


"look my love! deer!" i watched my fathers ring covered hand raise up and pointed at a group of deer in a meadow i squealed softly as i climbed onto my father's shoulders for a better look it didnt take long however for the moment to be ruined as gunshots rang out my father got me off his shoulders and told me to run and hide until he called out for me



*end of flashback*

"ADALAIDE!!!" i jumped as i felt a hand on my shoulder i turned and looked at the culprit it was tom he looked concerned at my panicked look i slowed down my breathing and blinked fast for a moment before he spoke 

"your assistant is here with some stuff for you"  he informed still looking at me 

"okay thank you please send her up with it and if she has a lot can you help her bring it up?" i asked sure i was a stone cold killer but i wasn't going to have her carrying all of that up to the third floor as he left the room i ran my hands over my face 

"hello miss vancore" i watched as her and tom brought my things into the room 

"hello lilibeth i appreciate your hard work take a month off paid for your troubles lately"  she smiled before heading out i began putting all of my clothes away 

"would you like some help?" tom asked 

"sure" i agreed as i folded up a pair of sweats and putting them in my drawers i closed it up before moving on to my files i made sure they were in order 

"hey think i can ever see you in this?" i heard a laugh and turned to tom who held up a lact nightgown i rolled my eyes 

"in your dreams kaulitz"

"oh it sure will be" i laughed along with him as he placed it into the drawer i noticed that one of my files was missing i looked through all of them again 

"thats weird im missing a file" i muttered tom came over 

"what are you missing?" he asked 

"the one on my boss i was reading it before you guys came in but its just gone" i stated 

"do you think your assistant misplaced it? maybe forgot it?" he asked 

"no i left it out on my other desk she would have seen it when grabbing the others it was taken off my desk" i spoke i heard footsteps come back to the room 

"looks like i dropped this one miss vancore" i grabbed the file from her hand and she left again i looked at it my bosses folder 

"oh well there it is" tom spoke i opened it to make sure everything was fine but two papers were missing the k section and the v section i clicked my tongue 

"its been fucked with" i spoke angrily 

"what do you mean?" tom asked 

"two pages are missing i never take anything out i always flip through it this has been ripped out" i showed him how the paper was torn his mouth became a tight line as he scanned it 

"who do you think would have done this?" he asked his face was almost right next to mine i looked him in the eyes meeting the full height of him as i had to tilt my head up 

"i don't know but i will find out i dont like dirty little rats" i muttered 

"oh im sorry am i interrupting something?" we both turned to face bill as he stood just out of the door frame to my room 

"no tom here was just helping me unpack i was showing him the file on your target from earlier" i lied easy through my teeth almost like clock work 

"well i just wanted to let you know that he is awake finally so we should probably get to trying to make them talk" he suggested batting his long lashes 

"we will be right down bill" tom spoke the blonde man hummed before walking off and down the stairs 

"im going to change and be down" i informed tom 

"think maybe you should shower instead? you still smell like alcohol" he spoke 

"you are right ill do that instead" 

"the shower in here needs fixed you can use mine till we can get it repaired we were expecting any guests anytime soon so that is our fault" he explained as i followed him into his room it was very tidy and smelled of his cologne and cigarettes he lead me to his bathroom 

"try not to take long" he smirked and walked out i closed the door behind him and huffed turning on the water letting it get hot i stripped and hopped in letting the water run over my face and hair i grabbed toms shampoo and put some in my hand rubbing it through my hair same with some conditioner and body wash followed next i hopped out  after ringing my hair out and realized i never grabbed a towel i groaned  and slightly opened the door tom laid on his bed on his phone his back against the headboard of his bed 

"uhm tom?" i asked he looked up 

"i forgot a towel" i spoke he smirked 

"fine but if i get one for you then you owe me" he spoke i rolled my eyes and flicked off the bathroom light before opening his door he looked shocked as he watched my naked figure pass through his room and out to mine  

"NO FAIR!" he called out as i got dressed in a pair of black sweats and a sage green shirt i walked back out and down the stairs meeting up with gustav who showed me to the basement 

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