mama im in love with a criminal

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the morning i woke up to my shoulder stinging i moaned and sat up taking some pain killers a knock sounded on the door 

"come in" i called as i stood up to grab a fresh change of clothes tom walked in closing the door behind him he was just in a pair of black sweats his locs pulled up in a messy bun i winced as i went to grab a shirt from my drawer he strolled over grabbing the clothes from me 

"you want a shower?" he asked i thought for a moment 

"yes actually i wanna get this blood and sweat off me" he smiled a bit 

"follow me" i did as told following his tall figure over to his room he started the shower letting it get hot i tried to get the shirt off but with all the rush of the fight with me gone it was only stiffness and pain he came over helping me take my shirt off he took note off the sports bra and left the room before coming back with a knife getting close to be before cutting the middle between my breasts i blushed at the move before trying to help him slide it down he moved to my sweats next sliding them down along with my underwear not once did he look at my naked form he helped me into the shower after taking the bandages off i hummed at the feeling of the hot water and he laughed a bit 

"dramatic are we?" he asked 

"am i? it feels good all of it being washed away and the heat helping my body relax" he nodded a bit 

"i get it i enjoy it after a long day too" he grabbed his shampoo and put some in his hands rubbing them around before he began to run them through my hair making sure to get all of my scalp i closed my eyes and the amazing feeling he rinsed it out of my hair and then worked in his conditioner rinsing that out after a bit as well 

"do you mind if i touch you Adelaide?" he asked with a quirked eyebrow his tongue darting out to play with his lip piercing  i nodded he grabbed the washcloth putting soap on it and lathered it up before he ran it over my body gently after i was rinsed off once more he shut off the water and helped me dry off being careful and my stitches he helped me get into some sweats and a new bra and bandaged me  up again before helping me slide on a shirt 

"you know you don't have to help me right tom?' i spoke  as he brushed through my hair gently 

"i know but i also know that you would do this for us and besides" he drew closer to my ear as he brushed some of my hair to my side 

"i'm the only one that has seen you naked" a blush reached my cheeks but the moment was interrupted by my phone ringing from my sweats i stood up and grabbed it walking out of his room with my clothes and answered the phone 

"my baby" i heard my mom's voice rang through the other side

"mom how are you!" i gasped in surprise 

"im good my baby how are you? are you staying safe?" she shot many questions at me 

"im good i promise and yes im safe going to college just like you said"

"then why were you seen with the kaulitz twins" i froze and pulled the phone away from my ear before placing it back 

"what do you mean mom?" i asked 

"you were spotted with the kaulitz twins after a hotel was  shot up..ring a bell?" she asked 

" i don't know what you are talking about mom i was checking into a hotel when something happened and i got shot and a man helped me out of there" i lied  she hummed 

"okay well stay clear of that man he's a dangerous criminal and after what happened with your father....." she trailed off

"yes mom i know i promise it was an accident"

"alright hun well i need to get back to work so i love you and text me soon okay?" she asked 

"of course i will i love you too my baby too the moon and back"

"to the moon and back" i replied i heard her line go quiet i put my phone in my pocket and sighed i hated lying to her but what was i supposed to tell her? that im falling in love with one of the most deadly men out there? that i was blindly following in my fathers footsteps and at any moment she could be burying her daughter as well? as far as she new i was practicing law....when in reality i was breaking the law heavily

i sighed before i headed downstairs i spotted bill who was on the couch watching a movie 

"what's wrong meine frau?" he joked a grin pulling at his lips 

"nothing mein mann" i replied back i sat down on the couch with him and watched the movie with him as he decided to do my nails and tell me all about the men that were at the club a few days ago 

"and then they all were talking about there wives it was crazy you would think that the wives were property or something!" he emphasized i giggled a little bit as he finished up with the black nail polish 

"men can be like that bill you think you are in love and then boom as soon as you get married it switches" he grimaced at my words 

"its annoying and actually speaking of you had my brother heavily interested in your little act..trying to make him jealous?" he laughed as my face twisted 

"never! its not my fault i'm hot bill!" we both started laughing when a cough made our heads turn tom stood there with a frown on his face as he looked me up and down 

"uh oh" bill spoke.

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