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i took pictures of the papers and slid them back into the book and put the book back on the shelf but i was alerted to foot steps heading my way i quickly ran out of the door and closed it making sure to lock it and then went to my office as the footsteps got closer i acted as if i was stepping out of my office 

"miss vancore what are you doing here? you are supposed to be hiding out?" i looked at the guard 

" the boss gave me a new assignment i came back to make sure i had everything from my office" i told him he nodded his head not even thinking twice about it as i headed out i could feel my blood boil how dare he? how dare he ask of me to do something when he... i shook my head as i pulled up to the house i went inside and made eye contact with tom he understood from the look on my face and followed me upstairs i went into the office my breathing was heavy from the rage of betrayal tom came in after and closed the door locking it behind him 

"what is it?" he asked as i threw everything angrily off the desk 

" we have a new mission tom" i spoke to him my voice filled with venom 

"adel?" he asked starting to walk closer to me 

"you know how i said there's shit missing? something doesn't seem right?" he nodded his head 

"theres two pages missing from a file i have... it's the file to my boss" i said 

"okay so what does he need help with?" he asked 

"no its not what he needs help with its what he has done tom" i grabbed my phone and showed him the pictures 

"my moms name?" he asked "i don't get it what is it?" he spoke his eyebrows were furrowed 

"tom this is his kill list..people that he himself killed" i spoke he froze and his face turned with anger 

"that's not the only part tom" he looked at me once more

"my fathers name is on it too" i showed him the other picture 


"he's been playing all of us and now he wants me to get information on all of you i have a feeling he wants you next" i warned 

"so we let it happen" he spoke 

"WHAT?" i hissed 

"feed him information give him what he wants and then we will launch an attack we will take him out get our revenge for our families"

"you realize he wants this information so that i can kill you right? he wants me to take everything from you and then break you" 

"give it to him adelaide give him everything he wants not like we cant fake a death huh?" tom spoke 

"i cant hurt you guys like that you don't get it you realized what i had to do to get this information? i broke into his private office and almost got caught i took a bullet for bill! i never and i mean ever take a bullet for anybody tom! this isn't just something i can pretend or even carry out like that" he grabbed my face and made me look at him 

"you won't be hurting us you will however be leading your boss right into the wolfs hungry mouth if you don't do this if he even has a feeling you have turned against him then he will have a chance of killing us..including you do you hear me meine Liebe?" he spoke 

"fine okay uhm he claims he's on a vacation right now but i bet you he's trying to get assistance from another group most likely somebody has issues with you a rival give me every single last rival you got and locations and ill find out what we can until then let's make false moves and then take a 'vacations' in said spots stir them up a little bit" i started to pick up everything that i threw off of the table and putting it back on the desk neatly 

"just promise me one thing tom" i spoke turning back to him when i finished 

"what is it?"

"if anything goes wrong, anything at all you get yourself and the boys out of there i can handle myself and ill find you okay?" 

"as long as you promise to always find me" he replied 

"deal" we both spoke after a moment 

"alright we will have to tell the boys and start prep for it we are a group no i no longer fly under him" tom nodded 

"you round up the boys after getting that list and we will start from there okay?" i asked he left out of the office and i sat at the desk and rested my head in my hands my phone started to ring it was him again i decided to pick it up 

"yes sir?" i asked 

"i forgot to tell you make sure to be extra careful around the twins their father out out the target on your fathers back" i paused for a moment 

"i will keep that in mind" i hung up and set my phone down i know it wasn't true it couldn't be i already had his fathers file i threw the glass beside me hard and it crashed against the wall i grabbed a cigarette from the pack and lit it up i inhaled as the boys came through they all sat down as i pulled it away from my lips and exhaled letting it out    

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