bang bang my baby shot me down

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 "ladies and gentleman there is no emergency please remain where you are again i repeat there is no emergency false alarm!" my kept walking by as the woman made an announcement on the speakers 

"team 1 in place" i heard Georg's voice through the head peice as i made my way to the front stairs 

"team 2 in place" gustavs 

i made it quickly up the stairs a guard was facing with his back towards me i slowly snuck up taking my knife from my thigh and placing it into his neck while covering his mouth i looked around before placing him in the closet in the hall 

"in place lets move in" they rallied behind me all armed i took out my phone and hacked into the door watching as the light flashed green and i opened it pulling out my pistol as we all headed in quickly eliminating targets i headed up a set of stairs we cleared each room before getting to the last  where the old man sat his white hair receding greatly his eyes were calm but you could see the panic pulled on his lips

"i was expecting you" he coughed before taking a drink of water 

"well go ahead you got me" he laughed for a moment "but just remember this its the closest ones you got to worry about keep that in mind young lady your not wrong about the feelings you have they are there for a reason" my eyebrows furrowed tom lifted his pistol before letting the trigger pull shooting danika right through his heart i turned as one of danikas men came in pointing his gun at the back of bills head 

"NO!" tom and i yelled out i ran for it grabbing the mans arm and tugging at it i heard a gun shot go off but it mixed with the sound of another i groaned at the burning pain in my shoulder and the hot feeling of my blood coating my hoodie the mans body fell to the floor 

"everybody get out and to the cars they will be down on us in seconds they should know by now" i ran out the front door i seen guards running up from the left side i made the boys wait as i took off to the right leading the guards towards me i stumbled down the steps but kept my footing i stopped about half way and went through the door i could hear there shouting from the steps i looked at my surroundings my eyes met a familiar painting on the right side

 i slipped the painting to the side before sliding in and placing it back i placed my back up against the wall as i heard footsteps run past i slipped my hoodie of hissing in pain as i examined the wound it was clean through i groaned and took of my vest and ripped my tank top up stuffing some in the wound and using the rest to wrap around it tying it off i slipped the hoodie back on leaving the vest behind i listened for a moment 

when i heard nothing i slipped back out i walked normally so i wouldn't catch any attention i made it down to the lobby where an army of guards were looking around ones head swung around to look in my direction but it was blocked by a tall figure who pinned me against the wall i whined in pain but looked him in the eyes 


he quickly dived his head down grabbing my face and smashing his lips against mine i was confused at first but kissed back as he pinched my hip the guard walked past us heading up the stairs after he passed tom released me grabbing my arm and tugging me towards the exit we made it to the cars and he pulled off once we got into mine the others slightly ahead of us it was silent in the car 

  "thank you" he muttered 


"i said thank you!..." his lips pulled together before he let out a breath and spoke a little calmer 

"thank you for saving my brother" i stayed silent for a moment before my lips parted to speak 

"i meant it..what i said in the office tom i would rather go out then let you go out we may have known each other and i know im pretty cold sometimes but .. we are a team and im leading never let your team go out before the leader im the one responsible therefore i will go out first" the car ride remained silent after that and we went inside gustav told me to follow his so he could take a look at my shoulder which he stitched up after cleaning up and wrapped it properly and gave me some fluids just in case i thanked him as he took the iv out and put a bandaid on it i hopped off the table and slipped a shirt on the bill brought me as a thank you and i walked to my bed room fully ready to go to bed for the night 

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