Who are You?

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(Angelique screams again and again as Davey Jones stands over her.)

"Shut up, ye despicable wench! I'll personally throw your carcass to the sharks myself if ye don't shut up!"

"The girl is frightened. This is all a shock to her. Perhaps she should rest some?"

(Davey Jones glares angrily at John Paul, then he storms away as he takes the wheel of the ship.)

"Come girl. I'll get ye some food and other clothes. Come."

(John Paul helps Angelique off the deck and into the Captain's quarters.)

"Who are you? What ship is this?"

"My name be John Paul Jones. Your father...the King of Misty Cove...asked us to fetch thee from Blackbeard."

"And the ship?"

"Ye be on the Flying Dutchman."

"Am I dead? Are you dead? Am I too serve a hundred or more years aboard this ship?"

"Nay. We not be dead, and neither are you. There will be no servitude required from thee. Like I said...we be taking thee back too thy father."

"But...but what about Davey Jones? Or whoever he is?"

(Sighs sadly.)"Aye...now he be dead. Or close to it."

"I don't understand."

"He be full of anger and resentment, girl. His heart be in his chest still...but it be as cold and as hard as stone."

"Anger at who?"

"The woman...whose betrayal broke his heart. As time goes on, he becomes more like the original Davey Jones. Viscous and cold hearted and lifeless. Just like the ship be."

"I don't understand. What's that got to do with me?"

"Rest girl. I'll bring ye some food and drink. I'll try to answer more questions once ye have had time to process what I've told ye."

(John Paul leaves, as Angelique lays back on the bed. None of what was happening made any sense to her. John Paul brings her some food and drink. She eats and drinks in private, then falls asleep on the Captain's bed. She awakes sometime later, as she hears someone grunting and muttering curses. She opens her eyes to see Davey Jones standing at his dresser, with his back to her. A back...covered with 30 scars.)

"Who put those scars upon your back?" Angelique asks.

"Mind your own business, girl."

"Does it hurt?"

"Aye. That it does. Now more than ever."

(Angelique carefully gets out of bed, and approaches Davey Jones.)

"Do you not have any healing salve to put on it? I could make some if I have the right ingredients and a mixer bowl."

"I'd rather feel the pain, girl. It keeps me focused. It helps remind me that things like kindness and love are a fool's dream."

"Is that who put these marks upon you? Someone who cared about you, and loved you? They didn't love you if they did this to you."

"Nay girl. The woman who betrayed me did not put these mark's upon my back...but she watched just the same as the whip cut into my back."

"What was her name?"

"It matters not."

"Please...you seem to be in pain. I'm just trying to help if I can."

"You can help by silencing thy annoying tongue! I do not need nor did I ask for thy help. Now...shut up!"

"But if you'll just let me..."

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