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Jeon Jungkook was known to be the popular guy, the all-rounder, the multi-talented king. There was nothing he couldn't do and nothing he couldn't achieve. That is, for one thing.

He was charming, handsome, witty, intelligent, smart, funny, had great a physique, talented and he was the captain of the school's football team. Really, people were always eager to talk to him, be blessed to stay in his mere presence, he could choose between guys and girls fanning over his godly looks.

His friends adored him, the teachers respected him and his opinion and his parents supported him in every decision.

Yes, Jeon Jungkook's life truly was perfect.

Except in one aspect: his love life.

You see, Jungkook had a problem. Or more like an inconvenience turned into a major life issue: he couldn't find anyone suitable for himself.

The people in his school were boring him, the girls presented by his parents, who were influential political figures playing a huge role in their country's policies, were plaid and held the same character and he wasn't up to spend his time browsing the various dating apps that seemed to double in number whenever he left one

And because he was so picky, Jungkook had stayed single for most of his life. There had been one person, a girl once but that had been in middle school, raging pheromones causing Jungkook to fall for the pretty cheerleader captain, ending with a messy breakup and Jungkook wishing to never have dated her.

Now, in his senior year of high school, Jungkook was still single and happy about it.

Until an old face returned from living abroad.


Kim Taehyung was what you would call a sweetheart. He held love for all kinds of animals in his heart, spoke to the elderly like meeting old friends, helped out at a local shelter and had the adorable habit to get lost in whatever book he was currently fanning over. He was incredibly intelligent, some said as smart as he was pretty, yet he was shy and humble about it.

Humble because he couldn't see the beauty everyone in his surroundings was talking about. Because Taehyung wanted to be nothing but invisible to the outside world, because being invisible meant having peace and Taehyung desired nothing more. He didn't like conflicts, he would even blush and shy away from conversations. Confusing, because he had always managed to stay on top of his classes while not talking during class most of the time.

Kim Taehyung was a pretty mystery, you would say, he kept to himself, didn't bother with gossip and rumors and always slipped away from anyone and anything. Suitors of his didn't have it easy with approaching the shy blonde and Taehyung was grateful of it, had he noticed someone taking an interest to him.

His shyness grazed the border to social anxiety, you could say. After a horrible incident, which had caused him and his father to move back to South Korea, Taehyung would he attending the high school back in his old hometown. The only person he had stayed in contact with was Park Jimin and Taehyung was thankful to have at least one person he could turn to.

Coming back into the town of his childhood had been a weird situation for the blonde. New hair, new clothes and the promise to behave differently in the new school had caused him to gather the last bits of his confidence.

His father, a kind but busy man burdened with the task of raising a teenager alone, had assured his son over and over, knowing about his circumstances. Taehyung had promised to be open-minded, to not shy away from conversations.

As soon as he stepped foot onto the high school yard, he wished to undo his promise to his father. Taehyung gnawed on his lip, wishing to be elsewhere. His scarf felt like a protective shield against the curious glances into his direction, trying to decipher who the new guy was.

They were simple curious yet their curiosity felt like hateful daggers thrown into Taehyung's direction and he was about to turn on his heels if it weren't for the arm flung around his shoulders, preventing him from leaving.

"Heya cutie," a voice cooed close to Taehyung's ear, slightly high-pitched and a finger was already tickling Taehyung's neck. The blonde immediately recognized the unique greeting, turning his head with a relieved sigh leaving his lips.

"Jiminie," he whispered relieved, seeing his best friend beaming down at him. Park Jimin's love for heeled boots always caused him to have the height of his attitude. He was gorgeous, and very much aware of it.

Taehyung still couldn't recognize his best friend who was the only one he had managed to stay in contact with. Nothing resembled the shy, skinny kid he had been in middle school; the last time Taehyung had actively been around Jimin.

Now, he had grown into his features, he wore his hair differently and his clothes didn't wear him anymore, he was part of the football team and on the school's dance team. Jimin was popular now and Taehyung would feel worse if it wasn't for the familiar eye-smile he loved on Jimin, the dark-haired male might've changed everything about his appearance but he was still the same loving, big-hearted boy Taehyung liked so much.

"Big day for you, huh?" Jimin's words were meant to be kind yet they caused Taehyung's heart to lurch up to his throat. Sensing his friend's discomfort, Jimin squeezed his shoulders comfortingly.

"We've been through this, TaeTae, I'll stay with you the entire time, we have almost all classes together except two and until then, I'll plant one of my friends there so you won't be alone plus the book club is waiting for your talented hands to transform it into the coolest club of the school! Well, after the dance club, of course."

Jimin's chatting helped Taehyung overcome his rising anxiety, successfully leading him into the main building. The blonde felt grateful for his friend who understood his fear of the unknown and new, distracting him with funny stories and making him giggle a bit.

Rumors soon started to be whispered across the campus, about a new, pretty blonde boy by Park Jimin's side. Their familiarity was soon the talk of the school. Rumors spread fast in school but especially when it involved one of the popular guys.

Jeon Jungkook could only roll his eyes at that. He hated whatever rumor was popular at the moment but especially when it involved one of his team members. He might not be incredibly close with Jimin but they still played together and he was the captain. Malicious comments weren't something he easily accepted.

Convenient enough, he had to pick some documents up from the principal's office, concerning the new football field they wanted to set up. What a good chance to sneak a glance at the new guy everyone was already talking about.

Except that the new guy wasn't a new face to Jungkook.

He had only gotten a glimpse of the slim male standing next to Jimin, dressed in light washed jeans and a large black hoodie, blonde hair curling around the nape of his neck.

When he turned, Jungkook bolted out of the office, causing the principal's secretary to raise both brows at his odd behavior before shaking her head and mumbling something about the youth.

"What has gotten your panties into a twist?" came the comment of one of his best friends, Mingyu who had seen Jungkook rushing back to their friend group on the football field.

The call caused the rest of the guys to turn their attention to Jungkook. "I've seen the new boy," he answered the question without the usual remark back, causing his friends to raise their brows at him as well. That was an unusual behavior for the always so snarky Jeon Jungkook.

"And you've ran to share your experience with us?" Eunwoo, another good friend, asked confused and slightly amused. Because judging from Jungkook's flustered stage, that must have been an interesting encounter.

This time, Jungkook did glare at his friend and threw a water bottle at Eunwoo who screeched before his protest got swallowed by the typical boyish shouts of joy, chaos overtaking the conversation. Leaving Jungkook with a moment of peace to think back shocked at the encounter in the principal's office.

Because Kim Taehyung, his old crush from middle school had returned after more than five years. Looking even prettier than in his now fainted memory of him.

"Kim Taehyung is back, huh," Jungkook mumbled to himself before a small smile stole itself onto his face.




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