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Awkward silence. Taehyung hated nothing more than awkward silence because it always made him feel obligated to uphold a conversation, try to desperately think of another silly, meaningless topic to talk about why wishing to be elsewhere.

This was exactly how he felt while walking back to Jimin with Seokjin. He only knew what Jimin told him about the jock and most of it wasn't pleasant. Taehyung didn't know what to talk about with Seokjin at all, wringing his hands desperately.

Seokjin on the other side felt the exact same. Not only was Taehyung Jimin's best friend, the one he loved for years now but he was also Jungkook's crush, Seokjin's own best friend. And they literally had nothing to talk about despite the elephant in the room.

Neither of them wanted to address what stood between them but the closer they came to the classroom the harder Taehyung felt the urge to talk. And right outside the room, Taehyung stopped Seokjin gently, the jock turning towards him in both, curiosity and nervous anticipation.

"Seokjin," Taehyung started and there was suddenly determination in his usually down-casted eyes. He didn't look shy, rather calculating.

"I've brought you here so you can talk to Jimin. Please let me finish," Taehyung was quick to add when Seokjin already opened his mouth in protest. He shut it quickly.

"Jimin's my best friend. I might have stayed in America for five years but that doesn't mean we didn't talk. I know him and I know what he feels for you. I know that you both desperately need to talk if you want this to work. And I also know that the both of you want your relationship to work. So please, Seokjin, listen to him. I don't want Jimin to be sad anymore."

"Then why is he pushing me away?" Seokjin's voice was barely above a whisper and Taehyung sympathized with him upon seeing the vulnerability and hurt gleaming in his eyes.

"He didn't do it to hurt you nor because he doesn't lo— all I can tell you is that he didn't mean to. Please listen to him. Your feelings are valid but so are his. Talk, because I can see how it's tearing the both of you apart. Even if I don't know you well, I trust Jimin so you must be an amazing person. And because you must be a nice guy, I'm telling you this: go get your man," Taehyung smiled at the end and actually leaned forward to squeeze Seokjin's shoulder in a friendly manner.

How kind he is when he doesn't have to. That boy was an angel, Seokjin could only think astonished.

"And please don't make out in an empty classroom."

This caused Seokjin to snort, seeing Taehyung in a different light. The boy had helped him so much with simple words so Seokjin decided to help him too. Because Jimin might or might have not dropped him a clue that Taehyung might or might not be fond of Jungkook too.

"Taehyung," he called out for Taehyung who wanted to leave and the blonde turned, curious.

"Since you've helped me, let me help you now: go talk to Jungkook. He's head over heels for you."

Taehyung halted in his tracks, a flash of fear appearing on his face, his eyes crowding with hope the same time, so fast that Seokjin nearly didn't catch it, but it was obvious: Taehyung had looked absolutely terrified but also hopeful. He too was scared to get hurt, just like Seokjin felt.

"He cannot be... I m-mean I'm... me. And h-he's... him," Taehyung whispered, searching for the lie in Seokjin's eyes, fearing this was all a joke, another trick played by the jock, another part of a bet he wasn't aware of.

"Why would I lie to you? Please do me the favor and talk to him. Trust me, he's already so annoying, and I can't stand seeing you two dancing around each other anymore."

"Y-you're lying. D-don't make fun of me," Taehyung whimpered, a lump building in his throat as hot tears threatened to spill down his red cheeks. Seokjin now finally understood. Taehyung thought they all weren't serious. He thought Jungkook wasn't serious. What rumors did he hear of to think that way?

"Taehyung-ah," Seokjin said gently, making the petite male flinch, suddenly reminding Seokjin of a little, scared puppy.

"I know my friends and I don't have a nice reputation, and I don't blame you for being distrustful. But we were never making fun of you, we were teasing Jungkook, because he's been smitten with you since you've arrived. I shouldn't tell you this but he has been in love with you since middle school. You might not see it now, but whenever he looks at you... god it's so gross, it's like he has already imagined your entire life together," Seokjin chuckled fondly in the end but then panicked when he realized he just outed Jungkook to his crush, "don't tell him I said that though."

During his speech, Taehyung's eyes crowded and he bit his lip in thought, looking to the ground. Looking down on himself. Was Seokjin really telling the truth? On the other hand... Taehyung really hoped he was. He knew he shouldn't let his insecurities dictate his life but it was just so hard to constantly fight against the evil, irrational voice inside of him.

"He's a good guy," Seokjin himself whispered honestly, "and I really want him to be happy. As his best friend, please don't break his heart." Taehyung's head shut up, protesting: "I would never! I-I just don't want to get hurt either." His confession was shy, but honest.

"I get that. But sometimes, you have to risk something to reach your happy end."

"Is that why you keep trying with Jimin despite not knowing what is holding him back?"

"Yes. Love can hurt sometimes but when you find your person, it's all gonna be worth it. It's part of the way to find the one for you." Seokjin's smile was genuine and Taehyung immediately understood what he was talking about. He felt the same about love, suddenly saw Seokjin with different eyes, saw the hopeless romantic this man, this stranger was.

Seokjin had opened up so willingly, not only to him but Jimin as well.

Jimin who had heard the entire conversation because he had walked to the door when he heard two familiar voices.

"Seokjin," he choked out touched, tears welling in his eyes. Seokjin spun around wide-eyed, looking scared upon seeing Jimin and realizing he had heard the conversation, his last words.

"Jimin," he breathed out, looking lost out of the sudden.

But he didn't have to be, because Jimin approached him and flung himself into Seokjin's arms, wrapping his arms around Seokjin's neck and bringing him down into a fierce kiss.

Taehyung dutifully looked away.

Seokjin gasped against Jimin's lips before groaning as if he was in pain, wrapping his own arms around Jimin's smaller frame and kissing him deeper.

"I-I love you," Jimin sobbed between their kisses, "and I was never ashamed of you. I was scared because my parents are homophobes."

Seokjin let out a gasp against Jimin before he buried his face in Jimin's hair.

"My love," he breathed out, pressing Jimin closer. "We will face them together. I will never let you go again."

"And I'll always be by your side," Jimin promised Seokjin passionately before they kissed again.

Taehyung coughed carefully before gently pushing the two lovebirds into the classroom so they could be out of the spotlight. Thankfully, the hallway was deserted as most students were in class but you can never be too careful. Taehyung knew. Better be safe than sorry.

He closed the door behind them after they thanked him quietly. The blonde knew he was going to get all the details from Jimin anyways.

But seeing them had made him think. And hope. Stupid hope truly was the worst being that had been trapped in Pandora's box, because hope could destroy you.

Seeing them together... hearing the same words his heart always listened to, hoped to achieve...

Taehyung wanted to be brave.

And being brave meant talking to Jungkook, be honest and hope Jungkook's motive was good and wasn't going to hurt him.


The tears I cried while writing this chapter are unreal


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