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Taehyung went after his task to find Seokjin, looking around in the halls and sneaking glances into the classrooms. Luckily, he found one of Seokjin's friends, Eunwoo, in the library picking up a book and the blond approached him shyly.

Eunwoo turned annoyed when he was tapped on the shoulder but his annoyance turned into surprise when he was met with the sight of Kim Taehyung standing in front of him. Eunwoo had never been so close to Jungkook's crush before and he could see why Jungkook liked the blonde so much. He was even prettier up close, almost like a doll, or better, a little angel.

Big almond eyes looked up timidly at Eunwoo, lashes fluttering when Taehyung took a deep breath.

"Sorry to bother you," he whispered politely, biting his lip, "I'm looking for Seokjin. Have you seen him?"

Eunwoo was staring dumbly at Taehyung for a second, enough for the blonde to shuffle his feet uncomfortable. The jock snapped out of his daze, hurrying to answer the pretty boy.

"Yeah, he's on the football field with Jungkook and Yugyeom, they have a free period, why you looking for him?"

"O-Oh," Taehyung released, unsure how much the other knew and if he was allowed to share any details. Deciding, since it was a sensitive matter, it was better to be silent, Taehyung already opened his mouth for a lie but Eunwoo seemed to understand.

"It's alright, I get it, private matter," he waved him off with a little laugh, observing the petite blonde. It must have something to do with Jimin if Taehyung, Jimin's best friend was directly asking for Seokjin but Eunwoo kept that information to himself because Taehyung didn't seem like he was up to offer Eunwoo an explanation.

Still, Eunwoo wanted to use the rare chance of talking to the school's prettiest boy and play matchmaker, push Jungkook into the right light for Taehyung to see what an awesome guy Blueberry was. Let's see if he really is as amazing as Jungkook's talking about, Eunwoo thought to himself, because he wished his best friend the best and didn't want to see Jungkook get hurt.

"You want me to show you where they are?" Eunwoo offered, watching Taehyung intensely and hoping the pretty male accepted, even though he was ready to be rejected.

To his complete surprise, Taehyung nodded tenderly. "Yes, please." Ever so polite, he really is friendly, Eunwoo noted as he accompanied Taehyung to the football field, upholding a conversation with the shy blonde.

Eunwoo also noticed how Taehyung was always fiddling with his hands, casting wary glances at him once in a while and painfully watching that they didn't make accidental contact. That wasn't simply shyness, that was straight up social anxiety, Eunwoo thought in worry, feeling sudden pity rising in him. What might have caused Taehyung this stage? He didn't have any reason to be insecure! He was so pretty, so smart and kind, anyone knew that.

Knew about the blonde angel effortlessly capturing everyone's attention, so cute with his wide puppy eyes and pouty lips, adorable in his antics yet mysterious because no one was able to capture his attention. Some made a game to capture the pretty boy and his attention but all failed. It was so easy to crush on Taehyung, he had everything. Still, it was impossible to get close.

Understandable Jungkook was head over heels for the boy. It was hard not to, Eunwoo realized when he finally broke through to Taehyung, bringing the conversation topic to books.

And oh, did Taehyung bloom suddenly. His eyes started to sparkle as he felt Eunwoo being an understanding book fan, talking excitedly about his favorite novel. He seemed so confident now, hands moving alongside his words, expressing himself so open and confident in a way Eunwoo had never seen before.

Maybe there was hope for Jungkook to get his chance with Taehyung. The blonde was really a sweet guy. He held quite the reputation of being a perfect angel and right now, Taehyung proved the reputation to be true.

They finally reached the football field, finding the three with two more of their teammates chilling at the side, some of them smoking. Eunwoo made sure they were seen so stupid Blueberry could throw his cigarette away before Taehyung could notice.

"Here they are, hope I could help," Eunwoo said loudly, successfully capturing the group's attention. Upon seeing Taehyung next to their friend, they all straightened and hid their cigarettes, coughing obnoxiously while Jungkook panicked as well, quickly fixing his hair and making sure he looked good.

"Thank you, Eunwoo. And please think about my offer. You'd make such a good addition to the book club," Taehyung told him again, eyes crinkling when he smiled broadly at Eunwoo who was surprised, and flustered, how beautiful Taehyung looked this way. He stuttered a quick response that he was going to think about it before scurrying away.

"Seokjin, hi, c-could you p-please come with me? I-It's important." All of Taehyung's confidence seemed to have left the blonde as he stood in front of the tall and intimidating jocks. They all stared fondly at the fidgeting male; many threw Jungkook obvious glances. Each straightened as if they wanted to impress Taehyung.

Seokjin was surprised to be addressed by the blonde and felt Jungkook visibly deflating next to him.

"What's wrong, pretty?" The nickname slipped out before he could stop himself and Seokjin mentally slapped himself. Since they were always calling Taehyung 'pretty' or 'pretty boy', they had grown accustomed to the term. Noticing the slip of his tongue made Seokjin bite his tongue.

But Taehyung reacted lovely to it, almond eyes widening and stuttering a bit, allowing his blonde hair to fall over his eyes and hide them.

"It's a p-private matter I-I fear..." he whispered, feeling the confidence leave his body. Do what he says, you fucking idiot, Jungkook wanted to shout at Seokjin and he barely managed to contain himself by the way Taehyung's eyes grew even larger and, even worse, pleading.

He saw Mingyu nudge Seokjin who was staring stupidly at Taehyung. The eldest of them coughed awkwardly before he, fucking finally, nodded.

"Alright, Taehyung, if I'm doing you a personal favor with it, I'll come with you," Seokjin unfroze from his position next to Jungkook and patted his best friend jovially on the shoulder, "maybe I'll use that favor for a friend." He winked at Jungkook who now didn't want to kill his best friend anymore, no why would he what haha no he wasn't jealous the pretty angel wanted to talk to his best friend instead of him fuck off, he wasn't jealous.

Taehyung on the other side wondered what Seokjin had meant with that comment, wondered what it meant that the jocks nudged Jungkook and seemed to tease him about an inside joke. He just hoped it didn't have anything to do with him or else he was possibly never going to leave his room again out of embarrassment.

The things you do for your best friends.


No Jungkookie, who would dare to think you're jealous, not me


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