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Jungkook brought the topic to the talk with his close friends on Monday, recalling the happenings on last Friday night and early Saturday morning.

Seokjin, who had also stood his ground in a round of questioning without answering their burning questions about his disappearance, was the first one being helpful while the others, ever so helpful, only teased Jungkook with suggestive wriggling brows and patting him on the back.

“Seems to me like his behavior might not have much to do with you. Either that or he is afraid of you, well… fulfilling a bet.” Seokjin concluded, tapping his chin in thought. Jungkook groaned as he buried his head between his arms resting on his desk.

“But I’m not! How can I show him I’m serious when he’s avoiding me? I know he at least wants to be friends so why isn’t he talking to me? I know he likes me, even if it’s just as a friend,” Jungkook whined dramatically against the wood of his desk.

Mingyu, now recovered from his hangover, and Seokjin shared a pitiful look.

“Kook, try to put yourself in his shoes. He’s new, and suddenly the football captain is flirting with him, ain’t that suspicious to you?” Mingyu tried but Jungkook only answered with a groaned “no, my intentions are good”.

“You shouldn’t say that to us. Say it to him. You know we support you but moping around won’t do you any good. Plus seeing you being a whiny, pouty baby isn’t attractive at all, man. Go fucking talk to your crush before someone snatches him away. I heard Minho likes him and wants to ask him out.”

That did its deed because Jungkook’s head shot up and he glared at Mingyu. Eunwoo to Mingyu’s side snickered. “Told you that would work. Jeonlous is back.”

“I’d rather eat nails then let fucking Choi Minho have a chance with Taehyung,” the jock growled angrily, tonguing his cheek.
“Then go get your man, Blueberry,” Seokjin said, earning another glare from Jungkook, obviously in a bad mood. “You’re one to talk, Kim,” he seethed.

“Hey, don’t kill the messenger.”

Seokjin was lucky that the teacher entered the room in this moment, possibly saving him from getting his head bitten off by his best friend who was very much grumpy this lovely Monday morning. Except there was nothing lovely about this morning because first, it was Monday and second, Taehyung hadn’t replied to any of Jungkook’s texts so that was a problem to his whole friend group.

And god, did he make it a problem for all of them.


Taehyung on the other side had a class all alone, without Namjoon, Hoseok or Jimin attending. The only familiar face was Yugyeom who to his surprise, had sat down next to Taehyung. Yugyeom had only wanted to look after his captain’s boy, keep him company and be nice but Taehyung sadly took it the wrong way, shying away from contact.

He tried hiding his shaking hands for the entirety of the class and nearly bolted out of the classroom, books pressed fearfully against his chest.

On this morning, he found himself sobbing in the bathroom again, trying to calm down and reason with himself that Yugyeom didn’t have malicious intent, only wanted to be friendly yet the mean voice inside Taehyung’s head told him otherwise.

Told him he was worthless and a joke everyone was laughing about, the jocks just making fun of him for being so weird and socially awkward.

Namjoon found him in a crouched position on the floor, running over and hugging him close. The taller didn’t question Taehyung which he was thankful for, only clutching onto Namjoon’s jacket. He felt safe with Namjoon who had been nothing but kind to him and Taehyung needed to talk to someone as Jimin had avoided him the entire weekend which hurt Taehyung to no end.

Rumor has it | KVTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon