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It was Thursday of the same week and everything had changed for Taehyung. Because now, he was friends with Jeon Jungkook, the most popular jock in school. Because now, Jungkook and him started to hang out. Openly. It freaked Taehyung out.

Jungkook had pulled him aside between two lessons, asking if he wanted to sit together at lunch. He quickly came to regret his question because Taehyung looked absolutely horrified. So he said 'no, we don't have to, I was just thinking', feeling dejected until he understood Taehyung's way of thinking. The boy had social anxiety, so there must be a mistake he had done.

When he realized it, he smiled gently, taking Taehyung's hand and pulling him closer to him. He watched satisfied how Taehyung's breath hitched and his eyes fluttered over his lips before snapping back to meet his eyes.

"How about," Jungkook had started, smile turning into a handsome smirk that made Taehyung's poor little heart stutter in his aching chest, enjoying the close proximity to Jungkook but also being so nervous he feared he would forget how to act as a normal functioning human being.

"I come sit on your table? This way, it'll be people you're familiar with and me. You don't have to be scared to meet my friends. They love you."

Instead, I should be the one to be scared that you meet my friends.

The blonde had felt relief and gratitude rushing over him and he had agreed with light heart.

Now, his heart was pounding in his chest as lunch approached.

Namjoon and he had the last lesson before lunch together and Jimin was already waiting for them. He and Seokjin had started dating again and preparing for Jimin to tell his parents about them. Both were nervous but excited to be together, finally reunited. And incredibly thankful for Taehyung playing matchmaker and getting them to talk.

So now, not only one but two football players were completely smitten by the pretty, golden-haired angel called Kim Taehyung.


Jungkook felt electrified. He was practically skipping towards the cafeteria, beaming at passing students who were very much confused by the change of the blue-haired jock. All of them wondered what was going on with Jeon Jungkook and many pondered if it was because of a certain blonde.

Much to the dismay of Jungkook's unofficial fan club, the beautiful blonde was indeed the very reason for the jock's happiness. Because Taehyungie had promised to have lunch together. Because Jungkook's sweetheart had offered him a chance to woo his friends so Taehyung could see what a catch Jungkook was, how friendly and kind and awesome he could be. Yes, that was an awesome plan made by an awesome man.

Jungkook whistled lowly under his breath, thanking the cafeteria lady cheerfully much to her confusion and the students around him. Many shook their heads at his behavior but they let him be, because he might be in a good mood but he was still Jeon Jungkook, the same jock who broke someone's nose for laughing at him.

Well, he didn't break the guy's nose for laughing at him, but for commenting 'is Kim Taehyung even worth your effort? Dude's not even that pretty and didn't look at you once, Jeon. Aren't your efforts useless?' And well, after that, Jungkook had swung, broke his nose and gotten detention for a week.

Why only detention for only a week? Because he was still Jeon Jungkook, son of Jeon Areum and Jeon Jaemin, famous politicians and sponsors of the school.

So Jeon Jungkook was the king of the school, untouchable. No one dared to say a bad word about Kim Taehyung in his near ever since.

"Ditching us for a pretty boy?!" Yugyeom hollered as Jungkook shook his head, telling them that today, he was going to sit at Taehyung's table when his friends threw him enthusiastic greetings, very much surprised when he denied.

"Same!" Yugyeom exclaimed, earning multiple laughter from the jocks.

"If only a pretty boy like Taehyung would look at you, Gyeom." Eunwoo said with a mischievous twinkle, grinning widely as he turned to the blue-haired male.

"Go get your boy, Blueberry!"

Jungkook just hoped his friends would do him a favor and not be obnoxious and pushy once he sat down on the new table. As he put his tray down, he heard the whispers around them growing louder. The whispers of shock and disbelief.

"Hey Sweetheart." Jungkook chose to ignore it, not much bothered by it as he leaned over to Taehyung, smiling charmingly at the blonde. Taehyung, as happy as he was nervous to see Jungkook, returned the smile, feeling warmth shift closer to him. Jungkook had asked beforehand if Taehyung was comfortable with sitting next to each other.

"Hey Jungkook." Taehyung's voice was merely above a whisper but his eyes were kind, crowded with a shadow but friendly. He was still reserved but that was due to the fact that they were in an open, public space and that always made Taehyung nervous.

He didn't want to show it openly, but he was so happy for Jungkook to be here, with him. For not giving up on him, for keeping close and giving Taehyung a chance. For believing in him when many would have given up on him.

But Jungkook stayed. Jungkook wanted to be friends. Jungkook was gentle, kind and understanding. Which messed with Taehyung's heart whenever the jock would offer him a smile, whenever he leaned close and Taehyung came into the heaven that was his warmth.

For most of his life, Taehyung had been so so cold.

"You okay with me being here?" Jungkook asked quietly, as if he was sharing a secret with Taehyung. The blonde looked intoxicating pretty today, he must've done something to his hair because it shimmered in the light, as if he was wearing a halo. Jungkook wanted to reach out and touch the light but didn't. How dare he try to touch one of God's favorite angels?

"Yes. I'm happy you're here." Taehyung nodded determined, because despite being uncomfortable and slightly scared, he was glad to have taken this step, happy to let Jungkook in.

Because Jungkook until now had never given him a reason to mistrust him.

"I'm not so happy you're here," Park Jimin exclaimed from his place in front of the two, brows knitted over dark eyes. "But since you're already here, let me give you a friendly warning, Jeon: Taehyungie might consider you a friend but I don't. So if you hurt my precious Baby, I will fuck you up. And I'm sure I'll get Seokjin to hurt you as well," he growled threateningly.

"Jiminie," Taehyung protested in a soft whine, blushing furiously. Yet Jungkook wasn't faced with the dark-haired's threat. He instead leaned back in his seat and flung an arm over the back of Taehyung's chair. There was a tug on the corner of his mouth, turning his lips into an attractive smirk.

"Trust me, Park, if I were to hurt Taehyungie, Seokjin would skin me without your help," he said nonchalantly before going to pick up his spoon. Jimin was taken aback a bit by the statement but still narrowed his eyes at the blue-haired.

Taehyung might be an oblivious cutie, too insecure and scared to believe Jungkook would like him but Jimin saw the truth. And Jimin knew that Taehyung was breathtakingly, drop-dead gorgeous and that Jeon Jungkook harbored a crush on him since forever. He wasn't naïve. It was no secret after all who Jungkook liked.

And that being no secret meant a higher chance of rumors to spike. Jimin wouldn't let that happen because rumors led to actions and whenever that involved Jeon Jungkook, nothing good came out of it. Jimin wanted to save Taehyung the drama, he felt so responsible for his cute little friend who was so easy to love but also so easy to hurt.

No. Jimin would give Jungkook one single chance, for the sake of Seokjin who swore on anything that Jungkook was a good guy and well, Jimin trusted Seokjin so he trusted his words. He would see for himself how Jungkook was going to treat Taehyung because Taehyung deserved nothing but the best, after all he had been through.

Jimin would do anything so Taehyung could finally have peace.

Maybe Jungkook could give him peace.

Or maybe Jungkook was going to take it all away from Taehyung.

Jimin desperately hoped it wouldn't be the latter.


The way I'm obsessed with this Jungkook, I need someone like this too


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