Chapter 10 - Pt.2

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"Sev! It's Fluffy!" Koty cried, tugging on the man's sleeve. "Come on!"

Severus gently pulled out of his grip. "No, thank you," he said, eyeing the cerberus worriedly.

The worry was just a flash, but it was enough for Koty to see. "What's wrong? They're really sweet."

"That," the man drawled slowly, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. "Is a matter of perception. As I found myself trapped within one of its jaws last Samhain, I would rather not find myself in such a similar position."

"They bit you?!" Koty yelped, scanning Severus as though he would be able to see anything amiss through the man's stiff robes. "Where? When? Why?!"

The sound of a heart-wrenchingly devastated howl stopped everyone in their tracks, and Newt rushed over to the cerberus, patting two of their heads at once and letting the third nuzzle his side. "I think I understand, sweetheart," he said sympathetically, not realising that his voice carried over the short distance with clarity.

"You understand what, Mr. Newt? Is something wrong with them?" Koty's voice was timid and fearful for his new pets. He silently prayed to all of the Gods and Goddesses he'd ever read about that she was okay.

Newt simply smiled at the group, walking back with a lightened demeanour. "Professor?"

Ignoring the form of address, Severus inclined his head curiously. "Yes?"

"I noticed something strange as I was initially healing Fluffy. At the time, I couldn't figure out what it was. Now that you've voiced your displeasure at approaching her, I finally understand." Newt smiled once more. "I knew she was afflicted with a partial bond, but not what type. I believe that when you were bitten, that it was not intended to be a malicious act. She was trying to bond with you, as a familiar. Not all three, mind you, but the-"

"You refer to each of its heads as a separate animal?" Lucius interrupted, blushing as he mistakenly voiced the thought.

"Of course," Mr. Newt replied easily. "Three heads, three minds, three personalities. In any case, Professor? Would you mind coming over? She won't hurt you. In fact, that howl was quite telling. Her heart is broken, knowing that she hurt you."

"She was trapped in that tiny room for a really long time," Koty began hesitantly, taking his hand. "She was probably so excited seeing you that she tried to bond too quickly. It wasn't her fault. Please try?"

Severus looked at the little Vílaupír and immediately regretted it. His big doe eyes glittered in the fading sunlight and his lower lip jutted out in an adorable pout.

"Please?" He asked again, subtly retaking the hem of Severus' sleeve and smiled when an idea popped into his head. "If you get too scared, Olive can sing to them. They love her singing voice." Wanting the man to save face, he whispered his idea, but motioned Olive to come closer.

They both looked at Fluffy, and Koty was heartbroken to see Fluffy lying on the ground, moping. The head in the middle was nuzzling the one on the far left. The third head, the one on the right, was watching Koty with a critical eye.

Tired of waiting for a decision, Koty tugged Severus' sleeve in the direction of the cerberus. Sev was going to meet his familiar and that was that. Koty absolutely adored Bear, and he knew that Sev would feel the same about Fluffy... or one of her heads at least.

They were about three metres away when Severus began to slow.

Huffing, Koty let him go and made his way over by himself. He reached out slowly and deliberately, letting them sniff his fingers before patting them enthusiastically. Babbling happily, Koty told them how lovely they were.

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