chapter 1

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"Happy coronation day boss," Kendall was greeted that morning with a coffee and a smile from his assistant Lucy. 

As he took his coffee from her hand, he noticed the dimple in her cheek as she tried to hold back a giggle at calling him boss. Although Kendall technically was Lucy's boss, as she had been his personal assistant for close to three years, the idea of her calling him boss or sir was comical, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Fuck off," he replied, still smiling. "But thank you. Is the Vaulter team meeting me upstairs?," he asked as the two walked towards the elevator.

"Yup, conference room three," she confirmed with a nod.

"Great. I'm hoping to get this all fucking...banged out quickly and then head to my dad's in time for his birthday lunch, so if you could just hold down the fort here today, I'd really appreciate it," he said as they rode the elevator up.

"You got it."

"Thank you Lucy," he said gratefully as the elevator doors opened.

"You're welcome. Oh and Ken?"

"Mhm?," he asked, looking over his shoulder at her after already having begun to walk towards the conference room.

"Congratulations, seriously. You deserve this."

He broke out into a rare toothy grin. "Thank you Lucy."


 When the door of the office swung open while Lucy was answering emails, she expected it to be Ken coming back to update her on his meeting about merging with Vaulter. Instead, it was Kendall's overly confident and underly capable little brother Roman. Lucy and Roman had met on a few occasions, but Logan had sent his youngest son off to Los Angeles several years prior to work in the company's movie studio, so seeing his face around the office was rare.

"Hey hey hey," Roman greeted the young woman as he entered, drumming his hands on Kendall's desk before hopping up to sit on it. "He still in that meeting with those digital corporation cock sucks?"

Lucy sighed, eyes not leaving her laptop. "You mean Vaulter? Yes. Does he know you're coming?"

"Does he know you're coming?," he mocked in an overly high pitched voice. "Fuck off, my name's on the building. Which conference room is he in?"

Lucy looked up from her computer, finally allowing her eyes to meet his. He looked well put together for his father's birthday party, but he wore a devious grin, and Lucy knew he was scheming. "What do you have planned?"

"Just a little surprise for my big bro on his big day."

"Conference room three. If you do something to fuck this up for him, I'll kill you."

"Ooohhh little miss Lucy threatening me? Sexy," Roman said with a smirk, heading for the door.

"Goodbye Roman."

"Bye Lucy."


Kendall came back into his office after a concerning amount of time in the conference room.

"You get it all sorted out?," Lucy asked nervously, closing her laptop to give him her full attention.

"Uh...few details to iron out but yeah...mostly, mostly done," he replied, but Lucy knew he was bluffing. "I'm about to leave for dad's. Did you hear back from Rava?"

Rava was Kendall's ex wife. The couple had separated back in the spring after being married for over a decade. Lucy had helped him find a new apartment after Rava insisted he move out and had hired an interior designer to make the place feel like home for him and his two kids. Yet, Kendall continued to refuse Lucy's offers to find him a divorce lawyer. He refused to admit his marriage was over.

an assistant's dilemma: a kendall roy & roman roy love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now