chapter 7

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Kendall's driver picked Lucy up at JFK Airport on Saturday afternoon. As she handed the man her bags, she realized that in the three years she had known Kendall, she didn't think she had ever seen him drive. 

He was waiting for her in the back seat, sporting a green sweater and his signature black ball cap and sunglasses. They caught up on the way back to his apartment building, as though they hadn't not been on speaking terms just days earlier. The driver stopped on the way back to pick up a pizza Kendall had ordered, and Lucy smiled to herself that he had remembered her suggestion to get a pizza.

Back at his penthouse, they sat on the couch, Lucy's legs swung over Ken's lap, eating pizza. He held his pizza slice in one hand, the other resting on her knee.

"Can I tell you something?," he asked.

"Mhm," she replied, her mouth full.

"I'm calling a vote of no confidence against my dad."

Lucy moved her legs off of her lap, sitting up straight to take in the information. "Wait what?"

Ken nodded, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "He's not well...I think he's kinda looking for a way out," he tried to justify it.

"Does Roman know?"

"Why does it matter?," Ken asked defensively.

Lucy shrugged, avoiding his eye. "I don't know...I mean he's COO isn't he? And also he's your brother."

"Yes, he knows."

"Good. You think you guys can really do this?"

"I know we can," he told her confidently.

"Well I guess that would make you the big boss for good," she said with a smile.

"And you would be the assistant to the big boss."

"Mhm," she said, climbing onto his lap and pulling her sweatshirt off, the pizza forgotten.


Lucy went straight to Roman's office on Monday morning, despite the fact that she was already late. Kendall could wait five minutes for his coffee, she thought; he was the reason she was late anyways. She had spent both Saturday and Sunday night at his place, and the two had gotten little sleep. That morning, he suggested they shower together to "save time," but ironically, the shower sex ended up making them late.

"Hey shithead," Lucy greeted Roman jokingly after entering his office without knocking. "You weren't gonna tell me about the vote?"

"You know about that?," he asked, a look of concern on his face.

"Oh please, I'm not going to tell anyone," she assured him, taking a seat and handing him a coffee cup from the drink tray she was holding. "Coffee?"

He raised his eyebrows in surprise and smiled. "Thank you."

"So you guys are really doing this? You're taking down your dad?"

Roman let out a nervous sigh, fiddling with the lid on his coffee cup. "I guess so. Ken has me wining and dining one of the shareholders tonight. Wanna join?"

"I think they would be pretty confused why you brought your brother's assistant along for a business dinner," Lucy told him. "They would probably think I was spying for Kendall."

"Fuck Kendall," Roman said. "Lawrence already hates him anyways."

"Well we don't want to make him hate him more by you bringing his assistant to dinner," Lucy said with a smile, standing up.

"So you're declining my dinner invitation? That's rude," he joked.

She laughed, heading for the door. "Ask me another time."

an assistant's dilemma: a kendall roy & roman roy love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now